What’s a Current Transformer?

A current transformer measures electricity without diverting the current into the measuring instrument, which could be hazardous. It uses the magnetic field produced by the current to create a current that is directly proportional to the device or line being measured. It is an important tool in electrical engineering for safety and efficiency monitoring. A […]

What’s an elec. current?

Electric current is the flow of electrons through conductors, measured in amperes. It can be useful but also dangerous, as it can cause injury or fire. Voltage measures the energy carried by electric charge and is measured in volts. Lightning rods can protect buildings from lightning damage. Electric current is the name of the flow […]

What’s a Current Regulator?

A current regulator limits the amount of electricity to a level necessary for an electrical device to operate. It is a step-down transformer that allows only a certain amount of current to pass through the device. Most current regulators include circuitry for constant current regulation to prevent damage. Universal power regulators have switches to change […]

What’s a fault current?

Fault current is an abnormal flow of current caused by various issues in an electrical circuit. It can be detected by inspecting wires or using equipment like time domain reflectors. Correcting it is crucial for safety and equipment protection. Standards and regulations exist to prevent short circuits. Also known as short circuit current, a fault […]

What’s wetting current?

Wetting current measures energy needed to pierce oxidized switches. Oxidation adds resistance to circuits, but high humidity can cause unintentional oxidation. Dampening current must be calibrated for proper circuit function. Wetting current is a measurement used in electronics to describe how much energy is required for the circuit to pierce a switch that has been […]

What’s an eddy current dyno?

An eddy current dynamometer is the most popular type of dynamometer used in chassis dynamometer construction. It uses an electrical core moved through a magnetic field to produce resistance to test the power of a motor. It measures the actual power of an engine, accounting for parasitic loss, and can be air or water-cooled. An […]

What’s a current mirror?

A current mirror circuit uses the current flow in one section to regulate the current flow in other sections, typically using bipolar junction transistors. It acts as a current regulator and can produce lower or higher output currents. The use of NPN transistors is reliable due to their diode-like function, but temperature must remain constant […]

What’s a Current Loop?

Current loops use a current source and receiver for electrical signaling, while voltage reporting systems use a current-to-voltage converter. Current loops are suitable for analog and digital communications, compensating for cable performance and external noise, while voltage schemes are better for short distances. Current loops use different levels of current for safe digital signaling, while […]

Factors impacting GDP in current dollars?

Current dollar GDP is determined by the value of consumption, investment, government spending, and trade surplus or deficit. It is not adjusted for inflation and may not be the most accurate measure of GDP. The only major factor that affects the current dollar gross domestic product (GDP) is the level of economic activity over a […]

What’s eddy current inspection?

Eddy current inspection is a non-destructive testing process that uses electromagnetic waves to detect defects or cracks in conductive materials. It can also measure coating thickness and determine the material of an object. The method is quick, easy, and portable, but it has limitations and may not detect deep defects or work well on coated […]

What’s a residual current device?

A Residual Current Device (RCD) detects current imbalances in single and three-phase circuits, cutting off power if necessary. It also acts as an insulation monitoring device and can detect unwanted arcing in electrical wiring. A residual current device is a protective agent that detects any imbalance of the currents in single and three-phase circuits and […]

What’s a current database?

A current database stores only current data without timestamps, while a temporal database includes timestamps indicating the validity of data. Current databases reduce system overhead, but businesses often use both types of databases for current and past records. A current database is a database that stores only currently accurate data. A database is a collection […]

What’s an air current?

Air currents are caused by pressure and temperature differences, shaping Earth’s climate and weather. Pressure differences create surface winds, while temperature differences create rising drafts and thunderstorms. The jet stream is a fast-moving air current caused by large temperature differences. A stream of air is a moving mass of air. They are caused by a […]

What’s current sensing?

Current sensing involves converting electric current into an observable form. Current sensors and resistors can measure current flow, while pickup coils and clamp meters use magnetic induction. Current sense amplifiers are used in electronics and power management systems to detect faults in circuits. Current sensing is the sensing and conversion of electric current into an […]

What’s a stray current?

Stray current is an electrical flow caused by imbalances or damage to wiring. It can cause corrosion and electrocution. DC systems, marine systems, and pipelines are particularly vulnerable. Grounding systems and sacrificial anodes can help prevent damage. Stray current is a flow of electricity through equipment, buildings or the ground due to imbalances in electrical […]

Leakage Current: What is it?

Leakage current is the unintentional loss of electric current in computer microprocessors and electronics. Smaller transistors in semiconductors cause more leakage, requiring more power and generating heat, which can lead to circuit failure. Leakage current in electronics can refer to energy loss from a capacitor or devices drawing power when turned off. Unplugging devices can […]

What’s the Cali Current?

The California Current is a cold, shallow ocean current that runs along the west coast of the United States and is part of the North Pacific Loop. It contributes to a productive marine ecosystem and causes California’s foggy days. Other offshore currents also exist and are studied by oceanographers. The California Current is an ocean […]

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