Child Custody Lawyer?

A child custody attorney helps parents negotiate custody and visitation arrangements for their children, representing them in court if necessary. They also assist with child support negotiations and lawsuits. A child custody attorney is a family law attorney who helps his or her clients negotiate cases involving their children. Often, child custody attorneys are called […]

What’s a Chain of Custody?

Chain of custody is a legal rule that ensures evidence presented in court is reliable and tamper-proof. It requires the party introducing evidence to establish a clear history of possession. This helps prevent fraud and unreliable evidence from being presented, which can lead to erroneous conclusions. The chain of custody rules also require that the […]

What’s a child custody affidavit?

A child custody affidavit is a document used in court cases to provide factual statements about a person’s relationship with the children involved and their reasons for seeking custody. It may also include information about events related to the case. Affidavits must be notarized and are limited to factual accounts. Attorneys can draft the document, […]

Custody Assistant’s role?

Escrow companies provide neutral third-party services for mortgage companies, landowners, and homebuyers. Custodial assistants handle customer service, office paperwork, and payroll. No strict education or training requirements are necessary, but strong math, communication, and computer skills are preferred. Training lasts one to four weeks, and continuing education can lead to becoming an officer. Mortgage companies, […]

What are custody rights? (29 characters)

Custody rights are determined by courts during divorce proceedings, with one parent typically receiving primary custody and the other parent being assigned visitation rights and potentially paying child support. Mediation can be used to reach a settlement, and as children grow older, their opinions may be taken into account. In cases where a parent is […]

What’s child custody?

Juvenile probation allows young offenders to serve their sentence in their community, rather than in prison. It is preferred over incarceration for minors due to the potential harm of imprisonment. Probation officers monitor the offender’s activities and work with their family and community to promote rehabilitation. Probation is not available to all minors and is […]

What’s Custody?

Custodial care involves assisting with daily activities such as bathing, grooming, meal preparation, and medication reminders. It does not require a healthcare professional but requires patience, compassion, and physical strength. Pre-trial detention is a type of non-medical care that involves assistance with activities of daily living. For example, a person who needs custodial care might […]

What’s child custody?

Child custody is the legal guardianship of a child under 18 during divorce or annulment proceedings. Family courts base decisions on the best interests of the child. Custody laws are created and enforced by individual states, and custody can be awarded to grandparents or non-relatives. Physical custody is given to the parent with financial security […]

What’s global custody?

Global custody is a service offered by custodian banks to manage and protect assets owned by businesses or individuals in multiple countries. It includes record-keeping, trading regulation, and tax documentation. Rates vary, and many international banks offer global custody to increase customer loyalty. Global custody is the protection of assets by a third party with […]

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