Arachnoid cysts: what are they?

Arachnoid cysts are fluid-filled sacs located around the brain or spinal cord. They can be primary or secondary and cause symptoms such as headaches, seizures, and numbness. Treatment options include leaving them untreated, CSF drainage, or minor surgery. Arachnoid cysts are fluid-filled sacs located around the brain or spinal cord in an area called the […]

Ovarian cysts & infertility: any link?

Ovarian cysts can affect fertility, depending on the type of cyst. Polycystic ovaries and endometriomas can interfere with ovulation, while other cysts usually do not cause infertility. Surgery to remove cysts can also affect fertility. Symptoms may not appear until the cysts become large or rupture. Laparoscopic surgery can help restore normal ovarian function, but […]

Causes of ovarian cysts?

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can cause pain or bleeding if they rupture. They can be caused by irregular menstrual cycles, infertility, hormonal imbalances, endometriosis, or polycystic ovary syndrome. Treatment may involve hormonal drugs or surgery. Any unusual symptoms should be reported to a doctor. An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac that develops […]

Tarlov Cysts: What are they?

Tarlov cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can compress the sacral nerves, causing lower back pain, sciatica, constipation, and headaches. Women are more likely to develop them, and treatment can be surgical or non-surgical, including dietary changes and steroid medications. Tarlov cysts are cysts that typically form around the sacrum nerves at the base of the […]

Causes of cysts?

Cysts can develop in tissues and organs due to various causes, including chronic illnesses, infections, and hereditary conditions. There are hundreds of types of cysts, with varying sizes and symptoms. Treatment options depend on the cause, location, and size of the cyst, with surgical removal being the option for cancerous cysts. Cysts, abnormal sacs or […]

What are colloid cysts?

Colloidal cysts are benign tumors in the brain that can be fatal if left untreated. Symptoms include headache, drowsiness, nausea, weakness, memory impairment, and personality changes. Surgery is the recommended treatment, with endoscopic neurosurgery being less invasive and resulting in minimal scarring. Recurrence rates are low after full extraction. Colloidal cysts are benign tumors that […]

What are belly button cysts?

Umbilical cysts on the cord can indicate a problem with the fetus, but not all are dangerous. Doctors may request follow-up tests and genetic testing, and a C-section may be recommended for delivery. Parents cannot prevent cysts, but a thorough evaluation can help with treatment and management. Umbilical cysts are pockets of tissue or fluid […]

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