What’s sputum cytology?

Sputum cytology is a diagnostic test that analyzes cells in lung mucus to detect lung conditions. Samples can be collected through coughing, salt spray inhalation, or bronchoscopy. Positive results may indicate cancer, infection, or inflammation, and further testing or treatment may be necessary. Sputum cytology is an analysis of the cells present in the mucus […]

Value of exfoliative cytology?

Exfoliative cytology is the analysis of cells eliminated from the body, often used to evaluate cells for cancer in the mouth or cervix. It can also be used to check for cancer in the skin, throat, and to look for the presence of bacteria. Positive results can lead to further testing or treatment. Exfoliative cytology, […]

What’s Cytology?

Cytology studies cellular structure, composition, and interaction with the environment. It includes molecular and microscopic examination of cells in both multicellular and unicellular organisms. Cytology is important in diagnosing diseases, detecting cancer, and predicting problems related to cellular interaction. Understanding unicellular organisms such as bacteria is as important as understanding multicellular structures. Early diagnosis through […]

What’s cervical cytology?

Cervical cytology is the study of cells found in the cervix of women, often done through a Pap smear, to detect abnormal cellular changes that can lead to cervical cancer. Regular screening is recommended for women, with guidelines on when and how often to get tested. Risk factors include early sexual activity, multiple partners, and […]

What’s liquid-based cytology?

Liquid-based cytology is a newer method of examining cervical cells for abnormalities, using a liquid preservative instead of a traditional Pap smear. It is more sensitive but can also result in more false positives. The process involves collecting cells with a spatula, placing them in a vial with a preservative, and centrifuging the sample to […]

What’s vaginal cytology?

Vaginal cytology studies cells obtained from the vaginal area and is important in determining a woman’s risk of developing cervical cancer. Abnormal cells found can indicate cancer or disease. The Bethesda system is used to classify cytology results, with high-grade changes indicating a higher risk of cervical cancer. Yearly Pap smears are recommended for sexually […]

What’s Urine Cytology?

Urine cytology is a painless diagnostic test that examines cells in the urine to identify signs of disease, such as cancer or infection. Specimens are collected by asking for a clean sample or using a catheter. Further testing is needed to determine the cause of any abnormalities found. Urine cytology is a microscopic examination of […]

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