Do Finnish dads bond with their kids?

Finland is the second most gender-equal country in the world, with both mothers and fathers sharing childcare duties and eligible for generous parental leave. Finland has been a leader in women’s rights for over 100 years, being the first European country to grant women the right to vote in 1906. Gender equality is a reality […]

Why do families need dads?

Families Need Fathers is a UK charity that helps separated parents, mainly fathers, stay in touch with their children. They ensure equal time with both parents and prevent a custodial parent from preventing contact. The organization was founded in 1974 and is the most popular charity for parents and children affected by divorce and separation […]

Dad’s rights?

Fathers’ rights refer to legal protection for a child’s father, requiring proof of paternity and care. Custody laws vary by state and country, with mothers often favored in the US. Fathers have access and decision-making rights, but must also provide child support. Fathers’ rights refer to the legal protection a child’s father has when it […]

Do dads take paternity leave?

Japan offers the longest and best-paid paternity leave in the world, but only 6% of fathers take it. The government is considering making it compulsory and increasing benefits to 100% of normal salary. Many fathers want to take leave but are prevented by staff shortages and workloads. Mothers spend much more time caring for children […]

Do moms and dads equally pass on genetic mutations?

Gene mutations occur randomly in our DNA and can be inherited from parents. deCODE sequenced 14,688 Icelanders and found that fathers pass on four times as many new genetic mutations as mothers, and older fathers are more likely to pass on mutations linked to rare childhood diseases and disorders such as autism and schizophrenia. Men […]

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