What’s Intellectual Damage?

Intellectual impairment is subnormal cognitive functioning that impacts daily life and is demonstrated by limitations in social and practical skills. It is divided into four categories based on the level of disability. Some cases are genetic, while others are linked to controllable factors such as maternal drug use. It may be considered a disability and […]

Brainstem damage symptoms?

Brainstem damage can cause a range of symptoms, from mild cognitive impairment to coma, and can be caused by physical trauma, strokes, or degenerative diseases. Early identification and treatment can improve outcomes, and treatment may include medications, physical therapy, and supportive care. Symptoms of brainstem damage vary according to the intensity of the injury and […]

What’s Collateral Damage?

The term “collateral damage” originated during the Vietnam War to describe civilian casualties and property damage caused by military operations. It has since been adopted by the business world to describe unintended harm caused by actions. It can also refer to social damage, such as the fallout from a divorce or unexpected death. Military terminology […]

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