Dec 30th event?

Hubble discovered other galaxies (1924), Mickey Mouse was accused of draft evasion (1980), the first color TV was sold (1953), the Beatles disbanded (1974), USSR formed (1922), masquerade balls banned in Boston (1809), ephedra banned by FDA (2003), Ginza subway line opened in Tokyo (1927), first coffee bushes planted in Hawaii (1817), and first music […]

Dec 6th: What occurred?

Edison made the first sound recording in 1877. The 13th amendment abolished slavery in the US in 1865. Spain became a constitutional monarchy in 1978. The first Encyclopedia Britannica was published in 1768. The Washington Monument was completed in 1884. Saddam Hussein released foreign hostages in 1990. Nefertiti’s bust was discovered in 1912. The Washington […]

Dec 15th: What occurred?

The US Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791, outlining fundamental rights. Homosexuality was removed from the DSM in 1973, and President Clinton was recommended for impeachment in 1998. The US diplomatically recognized China and severed ties with Taiwan in 1978. Thomas Edison applied for a patent for the phonograph in 1877. Glenn Miller disappeared […]

Dec 19th: What occurred?

Clinton impeached for lying and obstruction of justice (1998). Hong Kong returned to China (1984). Dalai Lama fled Tibet (1950). Washington’s army settled at Valley Forge (1777). Hitler took control of German army (1941). Anne, Duchess of Brittany, married Maxmilian I (1490). BBC World Service began transmitting overseas (1932). Corrugated paper patented (1871). Poor Richard’s […]

Dec 5th: What occurred?

Prohibition ended in the US (1933), gold rush began after President Polk confirmed gold reports in California (1848), Dow Jones reached 1,500 points for the first time (1985), AFL and CIO merged (1955), Christie’s held its first sale (1766), Einstein granted US visa (1932), Columbus discovered Hispaniola (1492), “Lost Squadron” crashed in Bermuda Triangle (1945), […]

Dec 14th: What happened?

Amundsen reached South Pole (1911), Kornberg synthesized DNA (1967), Napoleon lost in Russia (1812), Planck presented quantum theory (1900), USSR expelled from League of Nations (1939), 47 Ronin avenged master (1702), Christmas declared holiday in Cuba (1997), first nut and bolt machine patented (1798), NASCAR founded (1947), first state highway cleared in US (1793). First […]

Dec 21st event?

Important events in history: dried blood serum produced (1933), John Gacy arrested (1978), first manned lunar mission launched (1968), radium discovered (1898), Irish Republic declared independence (1948), Snow White debuted (1937), first crossword puzzle published (1913), Elvis offers services to Nixon in War on Drugs (1970), It’s a Wonderful Life previewed (1946), Vespasian becomes fourth […]

Dec 4th: What occurred?

The US Senate approved participation in the United Nations (1945), the first Thanksgiving was celebrated in Virginia (1619), the International Space Station’s first phase was completed (1998), Woodrow Wilson sailed for the Paris Peace Conference (1918), the first psychological report on bullet shock was presented (1917), the first Sunday newspaper was published in Great Britain […]

Dec 25th: What occurred?

Christmas was first celebrated in 336 AD after Constantine made Christianity the religion of the Roman Empire. Massachusetts banned Christmas celebrations in 1659, citing dishonoring God. The World Wide Web had its first successful test in 1990 with two computers and a server. Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev resigned in 1991, marking the end of the […]

Dec 25th: What occurred?

Christmas was first celebrated in 336 AD after Constantine made Christianity the religion of the Roman Empire. Massachusetts banned Christmas celebrations in 1659, citing dishonoring God and offending others. The World Wide Web was tested in 1990 with two computers and a single server. Mikhail Gorbachev resigned in 1991, marking the end of the USSR […]

Dec 26th: What occurred?

Tupolev-144 flies before Concorde (1975), tsunami kills 50,000 in Southeast Asia (2004), Countess Bathory’s crimes discovered (1610), coffee maker patented (1865), Beatles’ first US single released (1963), wood pulp paper introduced (1854), King Lear performed for King James I (1606), Kwanzaa celebrated for first time (1966), personal computer named Time Man of the Year (1982), […]

Dec 22nd: what occurred?

China began economic reforms in 1978 under Deng Xiaoping. The Brandenburg Gate in the Berlin Wall opened in 1989. The Continental Navy was commissioned in 1775. Dostoyevsky’s execution was called off in 1949. The first rural speed limits were posted in the UK in 1965. Christmas lights were invented in 1882. Ceausescu’s government was overthrown […]

Dec 7th event?

Pearl Harbor was attacked, leading to the US entering WWII. Delaware ratified the US constitution, becoming the first state. The microwave oven was patented and used to cook popcorn. Chiang Kai-Shek fled to Taipei. Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras I restored relations between Catholic and Orthodox churches. Instant replay was used in a live […]

Dec 31st: what occurred?

Edison demonstrated the light bulb (1879), East India Company received its charter (1600), first use of the breathalyzer (1938), Panama Canal handed over to Panama (1999), GM earned $1 billion in a year (1955), US left UNESCO (1984), London Eye opened (1999), ‘Iolani Palace completed (1879), Bank of North America founded (1781), window tax introduced […]

Dec 13th: What occurred?

Saddam Hussein captured (2003); Nanjing massacre begins (1937); first successful abdominal surgery performed (1809); GW Bush declared winner of 2000 election; Permanent Court of International Justice established (1920); Sir Francis Drake sets out to circumnavigate the globe (1577); production of Susan B. Anthony dollar begins (1978); first American furs exported (1621); Getty Center opens in […]

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