Dec 3rd: What occurred?

The Cold War ended with a joint statement by George Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev. The first human heart transplant was performed in 1967. The Ottawa Treaty was signed in 1997, banning landmines. Oberlin College was the first co-educational college in the US. George Washington’s surprise attack on Hessian troops was a turning point in the […]

Dec 11th: What happened?

UNICEF founded to aid children after WWII. Louis XVI indicted for treason. UN suspends relations with Spain under Franco. China joins WTO. Kyoto Protocol signed. Nitrous oxide used as dental anesthetic. First color movie shown in US. Bernie Madoff arrested for Ponzi scheme. Aurora Borealis displayed. Mohammed Ali’s last boxing match. UNICEF was established. (1946) […]

Dec 8th, what occurred?

Vatican II became ecumenical law, NAFTA was signed, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was signed, John Lennon was killed, the Race Relations Act came into effect, coaxial cable was patented, the Immaculate Conception was declared, the Ambrosian Library opened, and the Broadway Theater began showing musicals. CBS’ I Love Lucy was the first show to […]

Dec 27th: What occurred?

Darwin set sail on the HMS Beagle (1831), Fossey was killed in Rwanda (1985), Nation trashed her first bar (1900), ether was first used as an anesthetic (1845), the World Bank was founded (1945), USSR occupied Afghanistan (1979), Greater Poland uprising began (1918), West was banned from radio (1937), Indonesia became independent (1949), and the […]

Dec 10th: What occurred?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the UN in 1948. Other events include women’s right to vote in the US (1869), the first Nobel prizes awarded (1901), King Edward VIII’s resignation (1936), and the Treaty of Paris ending the Spanish-American War (1898). The first road signs and traffic lights were installed in […]

Dec 24th: What occurred?

Christmas ceasefire in WWI as German soldiers decorate trenches with Christmas trees and sing carols. Henry Ford completes first useful gas engine. NORAD tracks Santa for first time. West Point cadets riot in “eggnog riot”. Library of Congress catches fire. Macy’s stays open until midnight for first time. Ku Klux Klan is born. Filming begins […]

Dec 17th: What occurred?

The Wright brothers made their first successful flight in 1903, France recognized American independence in 1777, President Roosevelt released Japanese Americans from internment camps in 1944, and the immigration station at Ellis Island opened in 1900. Other events include the first ATLAS missile launch in 1957, Stan Barrett breaking the sound barrier in 1979, the […]

Dec 29th: What occurred?

Hong Kong culls poultry to prevent H1N1 spread, Wounded Knee massacre kills over 150 Sioux, Emma Snodgrass arrested for wearing pants, German Luftwaffe bombs London, first telegraph ticker used, Archbishop Thomas Becket assassinated, first transistor hearing aid launched, Sun Yat-Sen comes to power, first gas light used in White House, modern bowling ball invented. Hong […]

Dec 9th: What occurred?

Smallpox eradicated (1979), Prince Charles and Princess Diana separate (1992), Canada legalizes gay marriage (2004), US Marines begin Operation Restore Hope in Somalia (1992), child labor banned in Germany (1908), France passes law separating church and state (1905), Frank Sinatra Jr. kidnapped (1963), first North American YMCA established in Montreal (1851), A Charlie Brown Christmas […]

Dec 1st: what happened?

Important events in history: Tehran Declaration signed against Hitler’s Germany (1943), Rosa Parks arrested starting Civil Rights Movement (1955), AIDS recognized by medical community (1981), Henry Ford introduces moving assembly line (1913), Lady Nancy Astor becomes first woman in British Parliament (1919), Sherlock Holmes first appears in print (1887), Antarctica declared scientific reserve (1959), Chunnel […]

Ins. proof vs. dec. page: what’s the diff?

Insurance policies come with a proof of insurance and a declaration of insurance page. The former contains basic information while the latter specifies policy provisions, coverage limits, premiums, and discounts. Both are important to keep on file and are required in case of accidents or moving violations. The declaration page is a full-size document that […]

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