Deepest hole ever drilled?

The Kola Superdeep Borehole in Russia is the deepest hole ever drilled, reaching 7.6 miles deep in 1981. It only penetrated a third of the Baltic continental crust and discovered 2.7 billion-year-old rock. Rumors of reaching hell were false, but interesting discoveries were made, including pockets of water and excess hydrogen. The deepest hole ever […]

Deepest depth for submarines?

The Bathyscape Trieste, funded by the US Navy, reached the Challenger Deep, the deepest point in the ocean, at 10,916 meters. The pressure sphere was attached to petrol floats and iron shot for weight. The Soviet submarine K-278 Komsomolets had a titanium hull and could dive up to 1300 meters, while America’s Seawolf-class nuclear submarines […]

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