Agent Orange birth defects?

Agent Orange exposure can cause birth defects such as neural tube defects, cleft lip and palate, extra fingers, and intellectual disabilities. Both partners can be affected, and compensation may be available for those affected. Prenatal screening can help diagnose these defects. Agent Orange birth defects can include neural tube defects, cleft lip and palate, extra […]

Prevent birth defects: how?

Expectant mothers can take steps to reduce the risk of birth defects, such as receiving early prenatal care, taking folic acid supplements, avoiding alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes, and limiting exposure to environmental toxins. However, some factors are unknown, so supporting a baby’s healthy development is crucial. A birth defect is defined as an abnormality in […]

Genetic birth defects?

Genetic birth defects can be hereditary or non-hereditary, caused by errors in genes or chromosomes. Examples include Tay-Sachs disease, sickle cell anemia, and Down syndrome. Environmental factors can also affect gene expression. Access to genetic counseling can help detect hereditary defects early. Understanding genetic birth defects first means understanding the term genetics. There may be […]

Heart defects: what types?

Heart defects are common birth defects that can affect different parts of the heart, including the valves, septum, and ventricles. Some defects require immediate surgery, while others may heal on their own. With advancements in treatment, many children with heart defects can live normal, healthy lives. Heart defects remain some of the most common birth […]

What are birth defects?

Congenital anomalies are present at birth and can range from extra digits to incomplete brains. They can be caused by genetic conditions, environmental exposures, or have no known cause. Treatment options vary depending on the severity of the anomaly. Congenital anomalies are abnormalities in the body that are present at birth. These include everything from […]

Neural tube defects: what are they?

Neural tube defects, including anencephaly, encephalocele, iniencephaly, and spina bifida, affect the brain and spinal cord during fetal development. Anencephaly and iniencephaly are often fatal, while encephalocele can cause developmental delays and vision problems. Spina bifida can result in nerve damage and paralysis of the legs, as well as other complications. Increasing folic acid intake […]

Common fetal defects?

There are over 4,000 types of birth defects, with heart defects and oral clefts being common. Fetal defects can be caused by genetics, environmental factors, and medication. Heart defects are the most common, affecting 1 in 100 births. Down syndrome occurs in 1 in 800 births, while spina bifida affects 1 in 2,500 births. When […]

Most common birth defects?

Birth defects vary by location and genetics. Heart defects are the most common in the US, while neural tube defects and cleft lip/palate are also prevalent. Genetic disorders are influenced by parental history and maternal age. Severity of defects can vary, affecting statistics. Antenatal care can help identify and prepare for developmental abnormalities. The most […]

Types of birth defects?

Congenital diseases are present at birth and can appear later in life. Examples include spina bifida, empty saddle syndrome, and congenital malaria. Causes vary, with some being genetic or caused by infections passed from mother to child. Symptoms can range from no side effects to paralysis, seizures, and mental retardation. A congenital disease is one […]

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