Common denture issues?

Denture problems include mouth pain, sores, improper fit, and eating difficulties. Regular dental checkups and properly fitted dentures can prevent these issues. Some common denture problems are mouth pain and sores, improper fit, and eating difficulties. Problems with dentures aren’t that uncommon for anyone, especially since putting something foreign in your mouth can be really […]

Best tips for denture cleaning?

Proper cleaning of dentures is important to prevent breakage and remove bacteria. Dentures should be rinsed over a sink of water, brushed with a soft toothbrush and denture-specific toothpaste, and soaked in a solution to kill bacteria. Homemade or commercial solutions can be used, and dentures should be kept moist when not in use. Proper […]

What’s a fixed partial denture?

A fixed partial denture, also known as a bridge, is a permanent dental restoration used to fill gaps caused by missing teeth. It is cemented to abutment teeth and can be made of various materials. Different types of bridges are available, and they can improve chewing, speech, and appearance. Proper care and maintenance are necessary […]

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