What’s Destructive Distillation?

Destructive distillation is a process that breaks down large molecules into smaller ones by heating a substance in an oxygen-poor environment. It has been historically used to determine chemical compositions and harvest compounds. Common substances include wood, coal, and petroleum. The process is also used to recycle waste plastic and create products such as tar, […]

What’s Destructive Testing?

Destructive testing is used to determine the strength, safety, and durability of products by ultimately destroying the sample being tested. It is less expensive for mass-produced items and can be conducted at any point in a product’s development. Welds undergo stress, impact, and hardness tests to determine their strength and quality. Destructive testing is useful […]

What’s a destructive device?

A destructive device is a firearm or explosive device regulated by the National Firearms Act of 1934. It includes any explosive, incendiary, or poisonous gas and firearms with a bore greater than 1/2 inch. Possession and sale are taxed and regulated, but some states have banned private possession. A destructive device is a particular type […]

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