Diagonal pitch: what is it?

The diagonal stride is a common skiing technique used in cross-country skiing, involving sliding one foot forward and pushing off with the opposite ski pole. It is energy-efficient and works on a variety of terrains. Skiers should transfer their weight onto their leading foot and lengthen their strides for efficiency. It is less demanding on […]

What’s a diagonal extension?

A diagonal spread is a stock option strategy involving buying and selling two different option holdings within the same share class at different strike prices and expiration dates to offset risk. It involves buying and selling calls and puts simultaneously and can result in gains or losses. A diagonal spread is a stock option strategy […]

Diagonal spread defined?

A diagonal spread is a stock options strategy where an investor buys and sells two different options positions within the same stock class at different strike prices and with different expiration dates to hedge risk. It involves buying and selling two calls and two puts simultaneously. The strategy can result in profits or losses, and […]

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