Dietary antioxidants: what are they?

Antioxidants found in fruits, vegetables, and vitamin supplements protect against damage caused by free radicals, which contribute to aging and disease. A diet rich in vitamin C and E can reduce free radicals, and excess vitamin intake should be avoided. In health and fitness, diet and nutrition are the most important aspects of healthy living. […]

Dietary advisor roles?

Diet aides work with nutritionists to plan, prepare, and deliver meals to patients in institutions like nursing homes and hospitals. They may assemble and deliver trays of food, track eating habits, and clean the kitchen. Strong social skills are important, and some may choose to become registered dietitians. A diet aide is an individual who […]

Dietary guidelines?

The US Department of Health and Human Services and the US Department of Agriculture publish new Dietary Guidelines every five years to provide nutritional advice for Americans. They are intended for policymakers, nutritionists, and medical professionals to educate the public and enact nutrition-based legislation. They also serve as a basis for healthcare professionals to give […]

Best dietary cleanse: how to choose?

Choosing the right dietary cleansing diet depends on personal goals and factors. Consult a doctor before starting. Cleansing diets remove debris from the body, but may not help with weight loss. Popular diets include fruit juice, raw food, and lemonade. Consider duration and guidelines before starting. Choosing the right dietary cleansing diet for your body […]

What’s dietary protein?

Proteins are essential for building bones, moving muscles, and repairing tissues. They are made up of chains of amino acids and can be found in meat, dairy, and certain grains and beans. Animal foods provide complete protein, while plant foods have incomplete protein, which can be combined to create a diet of essential proteins for […]

What’s a dietary supplement?

Dietary supplements are taken in addition to food to ensure daily vitamin and mineral requirements are met. Multivitamins are the most common supplement, while herbs are a natural alternative. However, excessive consumption can be harmful and medical advice should be sought. Dietary supplements are any type of compounds that are consumed in addition to food […]

Certified dietary manager: how to become one?

Foodservice workers can become a Certified Dietetic Manager (CDM) by passing the MDL exam given by the Association of Nutrition and Food Professionals (ANFP). Qualification requires a college degree, military training, or completion of a DMA-accredited dietary training program. After passing the exam, candidates must activate the certification. Workers in the foodservice industry who want […]

What’s the Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act?

The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act is a US federal law that regulates the safety and efficacy claims of dietary supplements. It holds manufacturers accountable and treats supplements as food items subject to similar regulations. The law requires scientific evidence to support health benefit claims and mandates labeling of all ingredients, including warnings for […]

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