What’s diffusion of responsibility?

Diffusion of responsibility occurs when no one in a large group takes action or responsibility for an event. Examples include the bystander effect and groupthink. It only applies to very large groups, and can be prevented if a single member takes charge or if the situation affects group members personally. Diffusion of responsibility is a […]

What’s Diffusion Theory?

Diffusion theory explains how innovations spread across cultures. It identifies five stages of adoption: knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, and confirmation. Factors that influence adoption include ease of use, observable results, and compatibility with moral values. Adoption rates depend on factors such as community influence and reviews. Diffusion theory, also known as diffusion theory of innovations, […]

Diffusion barrier: what is it?

Diffusion barriers prevent molecules from spreading and contaminating products. They are usually thin coatings made of metals with non-reactive and adhesive properties. They are commonly used in electronics manufacturing to preserve copper wiring from silica insulation. New alloys and deposition techniques are being investigated for use in new generations of electronics. A diffusion barrier is […]

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