What causes the chicken or egg dilemma?

The age-old question of whether the chicken or the egg came first has no clear answer. One camp suggests the egg came first due to genetic mutations, while another argues the chicken was created by God. The debate also includes semantic arguments and counter-arguments. Recent studies suggest the egg scientifically came first due to ancestral […]

What’s a social dilemma?

A social dilemma occurs when an individual’s self-interest conflicts with the interests of a larger social group, resulting in a worse outcome for everyone if each individual maximizes their own advantage. Game theorists study this phenomenon, with the prisoner’s dilemma being a classic example. The tragedy of the commons is another game-theoretic conundrum that illustrates […]

What’s a fallacious false dilemma?

A false dilemma fallacy presents limited options when more may be available, often omitting possibilities between extremes. It can be used to make one option seem clearly better. To avoid this fallacy, consider if the options given are the only viable ones. Not all limited options are fallacious, such as “dead or alive.” Advertisers use […]

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