What’s brand dilution?

Trademark dilution is when the distinctiveness and impact of a registered trademark is reduced. This can take many forms, including blurring, tarnishing, and genericization. Laws aim to prevent trademark dilution and protect individual brands. Dilution can undermine consumer confidence and hurt companies. Blurring is when competing companies use a similar brand to market unrelated products, […]

What’s property dilution?

Ownership dilution is the reduction of fractional ownership by shareholders in a company due to the issuance of additional shares or conversion of securities. The decision is made after careful consideration and can benefit both the company and shareholders by generating interest and preparing for growth opportunities. An ownership dilution is a process that involves […]

What’s property dilution?

Ownership dilution is when a company issues additional shares, reducing the value of each individual share. This decision is made carefully and may indicate future growth. The company benefits from a capital increase and can position itself for expansion opportunities. An ownership dilution is a process that results in the diminution of the fractional ownership […]

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