What’s dim. metrology?

Dimensional metrology involves measuring dimensions and distances, developing standardized units and techniques, and creating instruments for precise measurements. It requires maintaining equipment and calibration for accuracy. Researchers in this field are often engineers with strong math and science skills, and work for private companies, standardization organizations, and government agencies. Dimensional metrology is the measurement of […]

Reading in dim light harms eyes?

Reading in low light conditions does not cause permanent eye damage, but can cause discomfort and eye strain. It is recommended to set up a well-lit reading space. Some studies suggest that reading in low light can make myopia worse, but ophthalmologists believe it does not permanently change the eyes. According to numerous scientific studies, […]

What are dim. marg. returns?

The law of diminishing marginal returns states that output per unit of production will decrease after a certain point, making it important for managers to consider other production inputs to avoid inefficiencies. Hiring more workers may not always lead to efficiency gains without other investments, and significant investments may be required to subvert the law […]

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