What’s a Directional Well?

Directional drilling is drilling for oil or gas in a direction other than vertical. It is done to preserve surface features or target specific subterranean features. It requires specialized equipment and can reach previously inaccessible sources. It is mostly used by the petroleum and natural gas industries, but can also be used for water or […]

What’s a directional gyroscope?

Directional gyros are used in aircraft cockpits to indicate direction of travel, as magnetic compasses can be inaccurate during flight. Gyroscopes maintain orientation, and the need for periodic correction is greater near the poles. Sophisticated aircraft use electronic slave gyros. Gyroscopes also work in space. A directional gyroscope, with the word gyroscope meaning gyroscope, is […]

What’s Directional Solidification?

Directional solidification is a controlled metal melting process that eliminates shrinkage defects and refines the metal during casting. It starts at the bottom of the die and works its way up, unlike parallel solidification, which causes defects. Techniques like thermal variations and controlled flow rate are used to ensure directional solidification. “Directional solidification” is a […]

What’s Directional Bore?

Directional drilling creates horizontal holes for underground utilities using heavy-duty borers. Workers drill a pilot hole, then use a reamer to cut a path for the pipe or duct. This method is environmentally friendly and can be used under rivers and busy roads. However, it is limited to hard soil or rock and cannot be […]

What’s Directional Drilling?

Directional drilling allows drilling in any direction other than vertical, making it useful for tapping inaccessible oil or gas reserves. It minimizes drilling costs and reduces environmental impact. The technology has greatly improved, including the use of GPS for greater accuracy and precision. Directional drilling is a non-vertical drilling process that involves drilling in any […]

What’s the mean directional index?

The Average Directional Index (ADX) is a tool used by traders to determine the strength of investment trends. It appears on a chart with two other lines, the negative and positive direction indicators, and can help investors choose the best time to exit an investment. The ADX can also establish a pattern to determine the […]

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