What’s the Prospectus Directive?

The EU’s prospectus directive established a uniform capital market by changing the definition of a prospectus and simplifying the process of buying and selling shares. It requires a home state for the company issuing the prospectus and has exceptions for qualified investors and small transactions. Non-compliance can result in securities being listed in a foreign […]

What’s the Data Protection Directive?

The Data Protection Directive is a law passed by the EU in 1995 to protect privacy and identifying information during data collection, handling, and processing. It standardizes data protection procedures, covers various types of data, and limits unauthorized disclosure of information to countries outside the EU. Companies must have safeguards in place to protect data. […]

What’s the Prime Directive?

The Prime Directive is a set of laws established by the United Federation of Planets in Star Trek, which prohibits interference in the cultural development of other civilizations and participation in wars between non-Federation civilizations. Violations are met with severe punishment, but many episodes explore the ways in which the directive can be obeyed in […]

What’s the Copyright Directive?

The Copyright Directive is a law passed by the European Union to comply with the WIPO treaty on copyright. It defines copyright, establishes rights for rightholders, and discusses exceptions to copyright law. The directive also prohibits the sale of devices designed to infringe copyright and the use of techniques to circumvent technological protections against copyright […]

What’s a healthcare advance directive?

An advance health care directive outlines an individual’s health care plans if they cannot make decisions. It appoints a person to make decisions and is filed with the government. There are two parts: treatment instructions and appointing a healthcare worker. Forms are completed, signed, notarized, and given to relevant parties. An advance health care directive […]

What’s the Acq. Directive?

The Takeovers Directive is a legislative action adopted by the European Parliament in 2004 to create a legal framework for takeovers, but its implementation has varied in scope and nature as individual governments work to implement the directive. The directive aims to create a simple set of legal guidelines for acquisitions, making it easier for […]

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