What’s Discretionary Access Control?

Discretionary Access Control (DAC) allows select users to control program access and assign rights to different users, while mandatory access control sets restrictions by security policy administrators. DAC is flexible and easily customizable, allowing for easy changes in access rights. This limits the possibility of illegal use by unauthorized individuals. Discretionary Access Control (DAC) is […]

What’s a discretionary cost?

Discretionary spending refers to costs that can be cut to save a company money, and can also apply to personal household budgets. Companies may start by cutting benefits or unnecessary costs, but should not disrupt business operations. Advertising is often one of the first expenses to be cut. Discretionary spending is another term for discretionary […]

What’s a discretionary acct?

Discretionary accounts allow a broker or authorized person to manage an investor’s assets without needing to settle transactions beforehand. The investor can revoke privileges at any time and still has access to reports and updates on their portfolio. It is ideal for busy investors who trust their broker. Discretionary accounts are investment accounts that are […]

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