Chronic Respiratory Disease: What is it?

Chronic respiratory diseases, such as asthma and COPD, cause inflammation and irritation of the lungs and airways. Smoking and environmental factors can contribute to their development. Symptoms include coughing, wheezing, and chest pain. Treatment options include medications to reduce inflammation and open airways. Seeking medical evaluation is crucial for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. […]

What’s Metabolic Bone Disease?

Metabolic bone disease can result from dietary deficiencies, lack of sunlight exposure, or genetic defects. It can lead to conditions such as osteoporosis, rickets, and osteogenesis imperfecta. Treatment involves identifying the specific condition and using a combination of hormone replacement drugs, vitamin D and calcium supplementation, and prescribed medications. Metabolic bone disease is a disease […]

What’s Cerebrovascular Disease?

Cerebral vascular disease can cause strokes, which are classified into three categories. Ischemic strokes are caused by blockages, while hemorrhagic strokes occur when blood enters the brain. Risk factors include smoking, high cholesterol, and sedentary lifestyles. Symptoms include confusion, paralysis, and memory loss. Treatments include blood thinners and surgery, but prevention through exercise and healthy […]

Causes of Weil’s disease?

Weil’s disease is caused by the bacteria Leptospira interrogans found in water contaminated with rodent urine. It can enter the body through the mouth, nose, or open wound. Precautions include avoiding contaminated water and areas frequented by rodents, wearing protective gear, and frequent hand washing. Weil’s disease, also known as leptospirosis or swamp fever, is […]

CV disease prevalence?

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, with the highest prevalence in low- or moderate-income countries. The World Health Organization predicts an increase in deaths from cardiovascular disease, particularly in Southeast Asia and Eastern Mediterranean countries. Poverty, stress, and an aging population are contributing factors. Prevention includes a healthy diet, exercise, and avoiding […]

Are gum disease and heart disease linked?

Studies suggest a correlation between gum disease and heart disease, potentially due to bacteria in the mouth entering the bloodstream and causing infections or promoting the formation of blood clots. Preventing gum disease through regular dental care may also reduce the risk of heart disease. Gum disease and heart disease appear to be related, thanks […]

What’s Batten disease?

Batten disease, also known as neuronal ceroid lipfouscinosis (NCL), is a rare condition that affects children and causes the accumulation of lipofuscin in body tissues, leading to brain and organ dysfunction. Symptoms include vision problems, personality changes, and seizures. Treatments aim to address symptoms and provide comfort, with some promising developments in gene therapy and […]

What’s core disease?

Central core disease is an inherited neuromuscular disorder caused by a mutation in the RYR1 gene, resulting in muscle weakness. It is a congenital myopathy that affects the skeletal muscles used for movement, and symptoms can range from subtle impairments to severe muscle weakness. The disease is diagnosed through a muscle biopsy or genetic test, […]

What’s Alexander disease?

Alexander disease is a nervous system disorder that destroys myelin, which aids in the rapid transmission of electrical impulses. It can occur in infancy, childhood, or adulthood and is caused by a mutation in the GFAP gene. There is no cure, and treatment only manages symptoms. Alexander disease is a nervous system disorder that can […]

Autoimmune inner ear disease: what is it?

Autoimmune inner ear disease is a rare condition where the immune system attacks cells in the inner ear, causing symptoms such as hearing loss, tinnitus, and dizziness. Diagnosis is difficult, and treatment involves corticosteroids or cytotoxic drugs. Cochlear implants may be an option for those with permanent hearing loss. Autoimmune inner ear disease, also called […]

Disease vs syndrome: what’s the difference?

Diseases have a known cause, consistent symptoms, and measurable anatomical changes, while syndromes have a group of symptoms that often occur together, but the cause is unknown and there may not be a measurable anatomical change. Patients with both can face similar difficulties, and treatment for syndromes usually focuses on managing symptoms. Lyme disease is […]

Maple syrup urine disease prevalence?

Maple syrup urine disease is a rare genetic disorder that causes sweet-smelling urine due to the body’s inability to break down certain amino acids. It can cause severe brain damage and even lead to life-threatening seizures or coma. Treatment involves a low protein diet and strict adherence to doctor’s guidelines. Maple syrup urine disease is […]

What’s Eales disease?

Eales disease is a rare eye condition that can cause vision disturbances, bleeding, and sudden vision loss. It typically affects young men and may involve inflammation, retinal hemorrhage, and fluid leakage. Treatment options include corticosteroid injections, hormone injections, and vitamin therapy. Eales disease is a rare medical condition that affects the eyes. This disease can […]

What’s venous disease?

Venous disease occurs when veins are damaged, causing blood to pool or leak, often in the legs. Causes include birth defects, inflammation, blood clots, and physical stress. Symptoms include pain, inflammation, skin discoloration, and ulcers. Chronic venous insufficiency can lead to skin damage and ulcers, and blood clots can be fatal. A venous disease is […]

Symptoms of chronic kidney disease?

Chronic kidney disease can cause symptoms such as changes in urination, fluid retention, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, headaches, anemia, itching, and pain. While the disease may not initially cause any discernible signs, there are numerous unpleasant symptoms of chronic kidney disease that will typically develop as it gets worse. Many people notice problems or […]

Gingivitis vs. periodontal disease: what’s the difference?

Gingivitis and periodontal disease are caused by bacterial infections in the gums. Prevention is key, with regular brushing, flossing, and dental cleanings. More serious types of periodontal disease, such as periodontitis and trench mouth, may require antibiotics and surgery. Untreated periodontitis can lead to tooth loss and an increased risk of heart attack or stroke. […]

What’s an orphan disease?

Orphan diseases are rare and under-publicized, making research and funding difficult to obtain. Diseases affecting fewer than 200,000 people or common in developing countries are considered orphan diseases. Genetic diseases and rare viruses are difficult to study and treat. Governments provide financial incentives to pharmaceutical companies to research orphan diseases, and charities have banded together […]

What’s bluetongue disease?

Bluetongue is a disease affecting ruminants caused by the bluetongue virus and transmitted by midges. It can be controlled through quarantine, vaccination, and midge vector control. No cases of human infection have been reported. Bluetongue is a non-contagious disease affecting ruminants, especially sheep. It is caused by the bluetongue virus (BTV) and transmitted by midges […]

Huntington’s disease symptoms?

Huntington’s disease is a genetic condition that causes involuntary movements, coordination problems, and cognitive impairment. Symptoms worsen over time and can appear in middle age, but younger individuals may also be affected. A genetic test can determine if an individual carries the defective gene. Children of affected parents have a 50% chance of inheriting the […]

Valvular heart disease: what is it?

Valvular heart disease affects the four valves of the heart and can be congenital or acquired. Stenosis and regurgitation are the two types, with symptoms ranging from an irregular heartbeat to heart failure. Treatment depends on the severity and type of the disease, with surgery being an option for severe cases. Valvular heart disease is […]

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