Borderline personality disorder & bipolar: any link?

Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder share similar symptoms, but have different underlying causes. Patients with borderline personality disorder are more likely to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder, but the connection is not strong and could be a result of misdiagnosis. Bipolar disorder is linked to chemical imbalances in the brain, while borderline personality disorder […]

Childhood disintegrative disorder: what is it?

Childhood disintegrative disorder is a rare condition where children lose previously acquired skills, including language, speech, self-care, and social skills around the age of three. It is part of the spectrum of autistic disorders, but children with this disorder typically experience a much more profound loss of ability and are at greater risk for mental […]

What’s Reactive Attachment Disorder?

Reactive attachment disorder (RAD) is a condition that affects young children who have not formed secure attachments to their primary caregivers, leading to maladaptive social behaviors. It can be caused by abuse, neglect, institutionalization, or a lack of stable family life. Symptoms include disinterest, withdrawal, and unfamiliar behavior. Treatment involves therapy and forming healthy attachments, […]

What’s REM sleep disorder?

REM sleep disorder causes violent physical movements during dreams due to a lack of nocturnal paralysis. It is more common in adult males and those with Parkinson’s disease, alcohol withdrawal symptoms, or insomnia. Treatment involves medication and close monitoring by a doctor. Most people experience a state of deep sleep, known as rapid eye movement […]

Narcissistic personality disorder symptoms?

Narcissistic personality disorder symptoms include an inflated opinion of oneself, lack of empathy, and a desire for constant praise. It’s a spectrum disorder and is not typically diagnosed in adolescents. Narcissists lack a strong self-image and seek praise from others to deflect self-loathing. They lack empathy and exploit people for personal gain. Narcissism ultimately represents […]

What’s Intermittent Explosive Disorder?

Intermittent explosive disorder causes uncontrollable aggression and violence in response to minor incidents, with potential for severe consequences. It is more common in men and can disrupt employment, relationships, and education. Therapeutic treatments, including medication and behavior modification, can help manage the disorder. Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) is a mental disorder that affects a person’s […]

Oppositional defiant disorder symptoms?

Oppositional defiant disorder is a behavioral disorder in children or adolescents, characterized by persistent disobedience, negativity, hostility, blaming others for bad behavior, and aggression towards peers. Academic problems, frequent tantrums, and aversion to touch are common symptoms. It is often accompanied by ADHD, depression, and anxiety. Treatment includes prescription drugs and psychological therapy. Oppositional defiant […]

Circadian rhythm sleep disorder: what is it?

Circadian rhythm sleep disorders affect an individual’s ability to sleep and stay awake, disrupting the natural 24-hour cycle of the body clock. They can be intrinsic or extrinsic, and treatment options include medication, behavior therapy, and bright light therapy. The term circadian rhythm sleep disorder describes a group of sleep disorders that affect an individual’s […]

Circadian rhythm disorder: what is it?

The circadian system regulates rest and activity patterns, but disturbances can lead to insomnia and sleepiness. Temporary disturbances can be caused by travel or changing work shifts, while chronic disorders require treatment such as behavior therapy or medication. The circadian system, also called the biological clock, is the natural daily cycle that regulates rest and […]

Respiratory disorder: what is it?

Respiratory disorders cause difficulty breathing and can occur in people of all ages and fitness levels. Identifying common factors in breathing problems is important for diagnosis and treatment. Treatments vary and can include medication, breathing exercises, and lifestyle changes. Some respiratory disorders can be managed, while others can be resolved completely. A respiratory disorder is […]

Borderline personality disorder test: what is it?

A borderline personality disorder test is used to diagnose the disorder, which is characterized by mood swings and behavioral extremes. The most common test is the Borderline Patient Diagnostic Interview, but diagnosis can be difficult due to vague symptoms and similarities with other personality disorders. A borderline personality disorder test is an evaluation used to […]

What’s hoarding disorder?

Hoarding disorder is an uncontrollable urge to acquire and save items, often triggered by a traumatic event. It can be treated with therapy to identify the root cause and gradually clear clutter. Saving items for a specific purpose is not hoarding. Also known as compulsive hoarding, a hoarding disorder is an uncontrollable urge to pick […]

What’s avoidance disorder?

Avoidant personality disorder is a psychological condition characterized by extreme social inhibition and shyness, causing people to avoid social interaction and contact with others. It is not the same as antisocial personality disorder. Symptoms include feeling inadequate or worthless, reluctance to make friends, and extreme sensitivity to other people’s thoughts and actions. Treatment approaches include […]

Symptoms of attachment disorder?

Attachment disorder is a psychological disorder where a child cannot form a healthy attachment to their caregiver, leading to poor social relationships. Symptoms vary by age, including disinterest in others, withdrawal, defiance, aggression, and disinhibited behavior. Older individuals may also display aggression and impulsivity. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or […]

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder: What is it?

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) causes disinterest in sex and can have physiological or psychological causes. It can be difficult to treat, and can lead to marital problems. Treatment options include therapy and medication. Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) is a fairly well-known disorder that causes disinterest in sex in what would normally be situations […]

What’s Nonverbal Learning Disorder?

Nonverbal learning disorder (NLD) is a learning disability often confused with autism, but with highly verbal children. NLD children may have difficulty with non-verbal tasks, short-term memory, math, writing, and understanding written instructions. They may also have delays in fine and gross motor skills, and struggle with social interactions. Early intervention and adjustments in teaching […]

Shift work sleep disorder: what is it?

Shift work sleep disorder is caused by a disruption of the body’s natural circadian rhythms, making it difficult for individuals who work non-day hours to get restful sleep. Night shift workers are more likely to experience sleep disturbance, with nurses and law enforcement being particularly prone to the disorder. Some people can adapt to working […]

What’s a urea cycle disorder?

Urea cycle disorders are rare genetic disorders that occur when one of the six enzymes involved in removing ammonia from the blood is depleted. Symptoms range from irritability to coma and death, and treatment involves protein restriction and medication to remove ammonia. Liver transplants can serve as a cure for some cases. A urea cycle […]

What’s Rumination Disorder?

Rumination disorder causes young children to repeatedly regurgitate and chew food, with physical symptoms including weight loss, tooth decay, and bad breath. Medical attention is required if it occurs regularly for a month or more. The cause is unknown, but behavior therapy is successful in ending the condition. Medical intervention is necessary to prevent physical […]

Avoidant Personality Disorder: What is it?

Avoidant personality disorder causes individuals to avoid uncomfortable social situations, leading to isolation and potential misdiagnosis as depression. Psychotherapy and medication are common treatments, but patients may be reluctant to seek help due to their avoidance tendencies. Avoidant personality disorder is a mental illness that causes shy people to change their lives so they never […]

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