Music: Workout Distraction or Advantage?

USA Track & Field banned athletes from using earphones during competitions in 2007. Studies have shown that music can improve performance by helping athletes ignore pain and fatigue, increase endurance, and improve metabolic efficiency. Fast-paced songs with strong beats, such as hip-hop, rock, and pop, are the most popular types of exercise music. Apps like […]

What’s distraction osteogenesis?

Distraction osteogenesis is a surgical procedure that lengthens bones and corrects deformities. It involves inserting a structure to stretch the bone and incrementally stretch new bone until the space is filled. A new lightweight device has been developed that uses a small motor to manage the limb deformity correction process, which is less painful and […]

What’s Distraction?

Distraction is a condition characterized by limited attention span, forgetfulness, excessive focus on one topic, and distraction. It can be symptomatic of neurological or psychological disorders and can cause forgetfulness and inattention, leading to functional impairment. Hyperfocus is a common trait of distraction. Distraction is a condition in which people demonstrate any or all of […]

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