Fetal distress: what is it?

Fetal distress can occur during pregnancy or labor and is characterized by signs of disease or abnormal conditions in the fetus. Symptoms include decreased fetal movement and changes in heart rate, often caused by oxygen deprivation. Doctors may monitor the baby’s heart rate and may induce labor or perform an emergency C-section if necessary. Certain […]

What’s psychological distress?

Psychological distress is acute mental stress caused by life circumstances or mental illness, measured by severity and duration of symptoms. It can impact recovery from illness and mortality rates, and is often caused by major life events. Symptoms include behavior problems, substance abuse, and an inability to interact with others. Disruption to daily life is […]

Suing for emotional distress: what’s involved?

Suing for emotional distress can help pay for treatment or disability caused by unlawfully inflicted harm. The harm must be caused by extreme neglect of a duty of care or intentional infliction of hardship. It’s important to consult with personal injury attorneys before suing. In a legal sense, emotional distress refers to mental or psychological […]

Negligent emotional distress?

Negligent infliction of emotional distress is unintentionally causing great emotional distress to someone, potentially leading to liability for damages. It is not universally accepted as a valid claim in civil trials, and intent is easier to prove. The line between negligence and intent can be difficult to draw, but courts can use responsible or illegal […]

What’s intentional emotional distress?

Intentional infliction of emotional distress is a tort action where a person deliberately causes severe emotional distress to another. It is difficult to prove and requires showing extreme and outrageous behavior, intent or reckless negligence, actual emotional distress, and causation. Some jurisdictions require the distressing event to occur in public. Intentional infliction of emotional distress […]

How to show emotional distress?

To recover monetary damages in court for emotional distress, it must be severe and extreme. Negligent and intentional infliction of emotional distress are recognized. Research specific laws, case law, and medical evidence requirements in your jurisdiction. Prepare a complaint and consider hiring an experienced attorney. Emotional distress can consist of fear, pain, shock, humiliation, or […]

What’s emotional distress?

Emotional distress can be grounds for recovering remedies in the US, but damages are only awarded in severe cases. Bodily harm is no longer required in some states, and mental health experts may be needed to prove cases without physical evidence. Emotional distress refers to mental anguish and suffering. Under tort law in the United […]

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