What’s divestment?

Divestment is the process of selling current investments to generate assets that can be used to better advantage in some other way, often used by companies to change direction and remain competitive. It can involve selling physical facilities, equipment, subsidiaries, or business units and is carefully considered to ensure greater profitability in the long term. […]

What’s divestment?

Divestment is the process of selling an asset, often used in reference to companies or governments selling assets for various reasons, such as generating cash or responding to social or environmental policies. Divestment can also occur when restructuring a financial portfolio or to distance from businesses promoting social ills. Also known as divestment, divestment is […]

What’s divestment?

Divestment is the process of selling current investments to generate assets that can be used more advantageously. Companies use divestment to change direction and meet changing consumer needs. It can also occur as part of an exit strategy or regulatory changes. Companies closely observe the process before taking action. Divestments, also known as divestitures, are […]

What’s divestment?

Divestment is the process of successfully completing the sale of an asset, often used to dispose of corporate or government holdings for various reasons such as generating cash or responding to social/environmental factors. It can also occur when a company’s officers choose to restructure their financial portfolio. The funds generated from divestment activities are often […]

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