What’s DNA Forensics?

DNA forensics uses genetic material in criminal investigations, as well as tracking foodborne outbreaks, identifying endangered species, and tracing human history. DNA sequencing can identify individuals through unique markers, and samples from crime scenes can be compared to suspects’ DNA. While useful, DNA forensics is not a magic wand and is used in conjunction with […]

What’s DNA replication?

DNA replication is the process by which genetic information is accurately duplicated within living cells. DNA is made up of two strands of nucleotides, held together by hydrogen bonds between complementary base pairs. Enzymes work to split the strands and unwind the DNA, allowing for the addition of new nucleotides to form a new double-stranded […]

What’s DNA cloning?

DNA cloning is the process of making multiple copies of an isolated DNA fragment or fragments using in vitro or in vivo methods. It is used for genetic fingerprinting, genetic engineering, protein production, and genomic sequencing. It is also used in gene therapy to develop new treatments for genetic disorders. DNA cloning, also known as […]

What’s a DNA scientist’s job?

DNA scientists use technology and computers to understand genetics and DNA, which carries genetic instructions for all life. Their research can lead to medical treatments, criminal forensics, and innovations like cloning and genetic engineering. They work to understand the millions of lines of encoded genetic information in DNA, and their work can help prevent diseases […]

How to be a DNA scientist?

Becoming a DNA scientist requires a strong educational background in biology, chemistry, math, and physics, as well as hands-on lab training. A bachelor’s degree in biology is sufficient, but a doctorate in genetics is most useful for work in academia, medical laboratories, and industry. Graduate schools prefer students with good grades, letters of recommendation, SAT […]

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