What’s a kidney donation?

Kidney donation involves removing a functioning kidney from a donor and transplanting it into someone with end-stage renal failure. There are two types: cadaveric and living donor. Living donor kidneys perform better and allow recipients to skip long waiting lists. Family members are often asked to donate, but strangers can also donate. Donors undergo screening […]

What’s plasma donation?

Blood plasma donation involves plasmapheresis at a donation center, with plasma used to treat rare diseases. Blood is drawn, spun in a centrifuge, and separated into components, with plasma removed and replaced with saline. Donors must provide medical history and be tested for viruses. Rules on frequency and amounts vary, with some experiencing side effects. […]

Organ donation: what’s involved?

Organ donation involves a donor offering their organs to save or improve the lives of others. Organs are taken from a donor, stored, and transplanted into a patient. Donors can express their will through legal documents or when applying for a driving license. Living donors undergo surgery to remove an organ, which is then implanted […]

Plasma donation: what to know?

Plasma donation is similar to blood donation, but involves separating red blood cells from plasma. Plasma can be used to help those with blood clotting issues and is often collected by pharmaceutical companies. Donors may be paid around $15-25 per donation, but should not lie about risky behaviors. Donating plasma too frequently can affect health […]

Sperm donation rules?

Sperm donation regulations vary, but generally, donors must be healthy, disease-free, and have a healthy sperm count. They may also need to undergo a physical and psychological evaluation, and be within a certain age range. Unhealthy lifestyles and certain medical conditions may disqualify a donor. Sperm donation regulations can vary depending on where the donor […]

Which medical conditions bar blood donation?

Donating blood is a simple and painless act of charity, but some medical conditions or recent activities may preclude you from donating. Waiting periods are also necessary to ensure the safety of the blood supply. Answer pre-screening questions honestly and don’t be offended if you’re refused. Many people are encouraged to donate blood, which can […]

Best sperm donation center: how to choose?

Before choosing a sperm donation center, consider their screening process for donor health and medical history tracking. Look for centers that require good general health and absence of genetic disorders. Consider choosing a center that allows offspring to connect with donors after age 18. If infertility has made you consider using a sperm donation center […]

What’s a non-profit donation?

A nonprofit endowment is a long-term investment fund consisting of gifts such as cash, stocks, and other assets, intended to ensure the financial health of an organization. Donations can vary, and financial records must be made publicly available to preserve the integrity and legality of the fund. A nonprofit endowment is a fund consisting of […]

What’s a donation?

Endowments are charitable donations of property, assets, or funds to support specific goals. They are invested to grow over time and typically used for major projects. Private institutions and national endowments benefit from donations, and the form of endowments can vary. A gift is a charitable donation in the form of real property, assets, or […]

What’s a voluntary donation?

Voluntary contributions are resources deposited into a retirement plan, often made on an after-tax basis, allowing employees to defer tax on future earnings. Employers may match contributions, and automatic payroll deductions can help employees save for the future. If after-tax contributions are not allowed, retirement plan income may be taxable. Voluntary contributions are understood to […]

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