Donkey’s meal?

The “donkey’s breakfast” was a straw-filled mattress used on ships until the 20th century, which was uncomfortable and unsanitary. Straw mints were used until feathers, horsehair, wool, synthetics and springs were developed. The Middle Dutch tike means “cloth mattress cover.” The hot-bunking system contributed to the spread of parasites. The straw tick flattens as it […]

Donkey’s breakfast?

“Donkey’s breakfast” was a slang term for uncomfortable straw-filled mattresses used on ships until the 20th century. They were unsanitary and often infested with pests. Straw mattresses were ancient and used until feathers, horsehair, wool, synthetics, and springs were developed. The term “ticking” comes from Middle Dutch. Sailors shared their mattresses and hot-bunked, contributing to […]

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