What are ecosystem services?

Ecosystem services are human-created processes that include water and waste treatment, land conservation, agricultural management, weather monitoring, and pest control. These services protect the environment and ensure healthy food sources for humans and animals while avoiding harm to the ecosystem. Ecosystem services refer to a set of processes that humans have created to address our […]

What’s ecosystem management?

Ecosystem management aims to maintain or improve the ecosystem while providing products or services to current and future users. Overexploitation of a species can harm the entire ecosystem. Ecosystem management involves maintaining the entire ecosystem, not just a specific part, and can balance conservation with human use. There are many different definitions for the term […]

What’s a biz ecosystem?

A business ecosystem is a term used in evolutionary economics to describe the set of factors that contribute to the success or failure of a business, including partner companies, competitors, laws, employees, resources, and the environment. This field uses the metaphor of life and the ecosystem to explain financial principles and understand economic changes, examining […]

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