What’s an eddy current dyno?

An eddy current dynamometer is the most popular type of dynamometer used in chassis dynamometer construction. It uses an electrical core moved through a magnetic field to produce resistance to test the power of a motor. It measures the actual power of an engine, accounting for parasitic loss, and can be air or water-cooled. An […]

What’s eddy current inspection?

Eddy current inspection is a non-destructive testing process that uses electromagnetic waves to detect defects or cracks in conductive materials. It can also measure coating thickness and determine the material of an object. The method is quick, easy, and portable, but it has limitations and may not detect deep defects or work well on coated […]

What’s an eddy current?

Eddy currents are generated when two electromagnetic fields cross, creating resistance and converting electrical energy into heat. They can be used for identifying metals, braking railroad cars, and non-destructive analysis of conductive metals. In transformers, special construction is required to prevent eddy currents from impeding the primary electric force. NASA uses eddy current inspection for […]

Who’s Mary Baker Eddy?

Mary Baker Eddy founded the Church of Christ, Scientist, after developing a belief system based on her research and understanding of the relationship between mind and body. She wrote Science and Health with a Key to the Scriptures and founded the Christian Science Monitor. Her legacy continues with the Church of Christ, Scientist and her […]

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