Causes of pulmonary edema?

Pulmonary edema, or fluid buildup in the lungs, is commonly caused by heart problems such as heart abnormalities, heart failure, and heart attacks. Other causes include lung injuries, blood problems, environmental factors, and trauma to other parts of the body. Treatment is available if sought promptly. The most common causes of pulmonary edema are related […]

How to diagnose edema?

Edema diagnosis is based on physical observation, and additional tests may be needed to determine the cause and treatment plan. Palpation during diagnosis can reveal pitting or non-pitting edema. Treatment may include dietary changes and compression stockings, but exercise and massage should be approached with caution. A diagnosis of edema is made based on physical […]

Reinke’s edema: what is it?

Reinke’s edema is an inflammation of the vocal cords that causes a deep, rough voice. It is often caused by smoking or gastric reflux and can lead to breathing difficulties. Treatment includes lifestyle changes, medication, speech therapy, and surgery. Reinke’s edema, or polypoid corditis, is an irritation or inflammation of the vocal cords. People who […]

What’s kidney edema?

Nephritis, or kidney edema, can be caused by infections, toxins, or medical conditions like lupus and diabetes. Acute cases can be treated, but chronic nephritis can lead to kidney failure. Symptoms include blood in urine, swelling, weakness, and high blood pressure. Treatment options include antibiotics, medication, kidney transplant, or dialysis. Kidney edema is called nephritis. […]

What’s Pitting Edema?

Pitting edema is a condition where fluid accumulates in the extremities, causing a depression when pressed. It can be a symptom of serious medical conditions and requires medical attention. Edema is caused by fluid buildup in the interstitial spaces and is associated with salt retention. It can be a result of medical conditions such as […]

What’s heat edema?

Heat edema is swelling of the extremities caused by exposure to high temperatures. It is not dangerous but can be a sign of heat-related illnesses. Treatment involves cooling down and elevating the affected area. Acclimating slowly to heat can prevent heat edema. Heatstroke requires immediate medical attention. Heat edema is swelling of the extremities associated […]

Dependent Edema: What is it?

Dependent edema is swelling caused by fluid buildup under the skin, usually in areas lower than the heart. Congestive heart failure is the most common cause, and pulmonary edema can be a serious symptom. Kidney damage can also cause edema. Treatment includes elevation, compression stockings, medication, and dialysis or kidney transplant if necessary. Dependent edema […]

Causes of Pitting Edema?

Pitting edema is caused by underlying conditions such as heart, kidney, or liver disease, varicose veins, pregnancy, poor diet, and certain medications. It is identified by applying pressure to the swollen area, and if an indentation persists after pressure is released, it is pitting edema. The causes of pitting edema are usually related to an […]

What’s Cerebral Edema?

Cerebral edema is a serious condition caused by excess fluid in the brain, which can lead to brain damage or death. Treatment involves reducing pressure and removing fluid, and it is important to seek medical attention if symptoms such as confusion or numbness occur after a head injury. Cerebral edema is a condition characterized by […]

What causes edema?

Edema can be caused by excessive salt consumption, poor circulation, heart and lung conditions, blockages in the circulatory system, or problems with cellular fluid regulation. Pulmonary edema is often related to cardiac problems, but can also indicate lung infection, reaction to medications or environmental allergens, or exposure to toxins. Lung and kidney disorders can cause […]

What’s Quincke’s Edema?

Quincke’s edema is a localized swelling caused by a vascular reaction, often seen around the face and throat. It can be caused by allergies, medications, or inherited traits. Treatment depends on the cause, and airway obstruction must be avoided. Patients with a history or at risk should consider noting it on a medical alert card. […]

What’s peripheral edema?

Peripheral edema is swelling in the extremities, commonly affecting the legs and feet, caused by fluid accumulation. It can be caused by aging, circulation problems, inflammation, medication, and other medical conditions. Treatment depends on identifying the underlying cause. Peripheral edema refers to swelling of the extremities of the body. It most commonly affects the legs […]

What’s acute edema?

Acute edema causes sudden swelling in various parts of the body and can be caused by heart, kidney, or liver problems. Ankle swelling can be a sign of congestive heart failure, kidney disease, or circulation problems. Diagnosis may require blood tests and medical imaging, and treatment may include diuretics or surgery. Acute edema is characterized […]

What’s Macular Edema?

Macular edema is a condition where fluid builds up in the macula, causing blurred and distorted vision. It can be caused by diabetes, eye surgery, or other eye diseases. Treatment options include laser treatment, vitrectomy, and anti-inflammatory drugs. Regular eye exams are important for early detection and treatment. Macular edema is an eye condition characterized […]

What’s Pulmonary Edema?

Pulmonary edema is the accumulation of fluid in the lungs, often caused by heart problems or lung trauma. Symptoms include difficulty breathing, coughing up blood or mucus, sweating, and anxiety. Emergency medical help is necessary, and treatment includes oxygen and medication. High altitude pulmonary edema can occur in climbers and may require lifesaving measures. Pulmonary […]

What’s leg edema?

Leg edema is caused by capillary dysfunction and can be a symptom of other conditions. Diagnostic tests may be done to determine the underlying cause. Treatment involves dietary and lifestyle changes, as well as diuretic medication to remove excess fluid. Left untreated, it can lead to serious complications. Leg edema is a form of swelling […]

Hypertension & edema: any link?

Hypertension can lead to edema as it strains blood vessels, causing them to leak and creating swelling. Other medical conditions, such as heart problems and thyroid disorders, can also cause edema. Pregnancy can also lead to edema, with preeclampsia being a serious medical condition. While some causes of edema are harmless, it can also be […]

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