US presidential election voter turnout trend?

US presidential election voter turnout based on voting age population (VAP) has been around 50-60% since 1948, with the highest being 63% in 1960. Voter turnout based on registered voters has consistently been 85% or higher since 1964, except for 2008. The lowest VAP turnout was in 1920, 1924, and 1988, while the highest was […]

Congressional Election: What’s Involved?

Congressional elections, held every two years, determine who serves in the legislative branch of the US government. The Congress consists of two houses, each with its own electoral procedure. Members of the House of Representatives hold office for two years, while Senators serve six-year terms. Before the 17th amendment, Senators were chosen by state legislatures, […]

How to be an election supervisor?

Becoming an election supervisor involves applying, undergoing a background check, meeting age and language requirements, and having supervisory experience. The job is temporary, requires long hours, and involves overseeing a local election center. The process for becoming an election supervisor varies slightly between different countries. Generally, the overall process consists of four main tasks: application, […]

What’s an indirect election?

Indirect elections involve citizens voting for electors who will select a candidate, rather than voting directly for the candidate. This method is used in various nations to elect heads of state, legislators, and other public officials. Indirect elections have been historically used to limit voting rights, but are also used to ensure qualified candidates are […]

Pres. election: more voters than Super Bowl watchers?

More Americans watched the 2008 Super Bowl than voted in the presidential election. 148.3 million watched the Super Bowl and 133 million voted. Super Bowl viewership has broken records every year since. The 2008 election had low turnout, but not the lowest in recent history. 21 of the top 45 network primetime broadcasts were Super […]

What’s an election projection?

Election projections use polls to predict results, using statistical methods to adjust for demographics and voting history. Exit polls and partial results can improve projections. Election observers use projections to monitor free and fair elections and compare with actual results. An election projection uses poll statistics to predict election results. There are several statistical methods […]

How is the US presidential election decided?

The US presidential election is an indirect election where citizens vote for party representatives called electors. Each state has a number of electors based on its congressional representation, and the winner-takes-all system is used in most states. Electors then vote for the president and vice president, with the winner needing at least 270 electoral votes. […]

Election spending: how much?

The 2020 US election set a new record for spending, with nearly $14 billion spent, double the amount spent in 2016. Democrats spent nearly twice as much as Republicans, with spending split evenly between the presidential campaign and congressional vote. Joe Biden raised over $1 billion, while Donald Trump raised just over $950 million. The […]

What triggers an election recount?

Election recounts are ordered when the margin of victory is narrow or if there are suspicions of dishonesty. There are two types: mandatory and optional. Optional recounts can be requested by anyone, but the person requesting it must bear the cost. Recounts can be done by machine or by hand. An election recount is typically […]

What’s a special election?

A special election fills a vacant seat between regular elections. It can be costly and has low voter turnout, but can provide political opportunities. Reasons for a special election include death, resignation, or appointment. The party that held the seat first often proposes another candidate, but rival parties may take advantage. Before the election, voters […]

What’s a primary election?

Primary elections are important in the US as they determine which candidate will represent a political party in the general election. There are four types of primaries: open, closed, semi-open, and runoff. Voters need to participate in the primary to have a say in candidate selection. Runoff elections are the least used but favored by […]

What’s an election law?

Electoral law governs the election of public officials and includes regulations on fundraising, voting, and ballot requirements. Restrictions on fundraising are subject to constitutional scrutiny, while reasonable restrictions on appearing on the ballot are generally accepted. Regulations on voting must facilitate a smooth electoral process, and electoral fraud is a criminal offense. Electoral law is […]

What’s an election supervisor’s role?

An election supervisor oversees elections, ensuring they comply with laws and guidelines. They manage officials, equipment, and polling stations, and may need to train personnel and maintain communication with vendors. They also handle signage, site design, and stay updated on voting policies and procedures. An election supervisor ensures that political elections are conducted within local, […]

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