What’s the Electoral College?

The Electoral College is a system in which representatives from each state vote on behalf of the state’s population during a presidential election. Each state gets a set number of voters based on population, and a candidate must receive a majority of 270 votes to win. The system is overseen by the Office of the […]

Critiques of Electoral College?

The Electoral College determines the outcome of US presidential races based on the number of senators and representatives in each state. Critics argue that it can result in a candidate winning the election without winning the popular vote and that it gives more power to states with more electoral votes. Some suggest abolishing it in […]

What’s electoral fraud?

Electoral fraud is the manipulation of the voting process to influence a particular outcome. It can be blatant, such as ballot stuffing, or subtle, such as gerrymandering. Penalties for voter fraud are severe and can include fines, prison time, and loss of the right to vote. Electoral fraud is the deliberate manipulation of the electoral […]

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