What’s Manchester encoding?

Manchester encoding is a digital encoding used in data transmission, where data bits are represented by a series of states. It involves setting perimeters for self-synchronization and determining the state of the bit based on the direction of transmission. It reduces errors and improves reliability, but may transmit more data bits than the original signal. […]

What’s character encoding?

Character encoding is the method used to represent characters, glyphs, or symbols as numeric values in computer memory. It is necessary to translate non-numeric characters into a form that a computer can manipulate. HTML documents define the type of character encoding used, and Unicode is the standard encoding. Early computers stored basic English characters in […]

What’s Amplitude-Shift encoding?

Modulation changes radio signal properties to transmit data. Types include amplitude, frequency, and phase shift coding. Amplitude-shift keying is used in digital modulation. Modulated signals have jagged discontinuities causing intersymbol interference, which can be cancelled out by equalizing or filtering received signals or designing bandwidth-limited transmit pulses. Amplitude-shift coding does not have a constant envelope. […]

What’s Block Encoding?

Block coding is a form of forward error correction that converts messages into specific codes and sends them as a block of data with a predetermined length. This reduces errors caused by noise during transfer and allows messages to be decipherable when they arrive. Hamming weight and distance are used to determine the likelihood of […]

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