Measuring enzyme levels: what’s involved?

Enzyme assays measure enzyme levels and activity, with different methods for different purposes. Enzyme tests must consider factors such as temperature, pH, and salt levels. There are continuous and discontinuous assays, including spectrophotometric, fluorometric, calorimetric, chemiluminescent, radiometric, and chromatographic tests. Blood tests can also be used to test for enzyme levels, but other conditions must […]

Enzyme supplement: what is it?

Enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts for chemical reactions in living things. They regulate energy levels, break down fats, and keep the blood pure. Enzyme supplements can replace natural enzymes lost through cooking and processing, aiding digestion and promoting general well-being. Popular supplements include digestive supplements and fenugreek, which helps with mucus, inflammation, and […]

What’s an allosteric enzyme?

Allosteric enzymes regulate cellular processes and metabolism, and can be controlled by effectors binding to a different site on the enzyme. Inhibitors deactivate the enzyme, while activators activate it. Allosteric regulation involves molecules binding to the allosteric site, and can be used for targeted therapies. An allosteric enzyme is a chemical involved in the regulation […]

Enzyme conc.?

Enzymes are specific proteins that speed up chemical reactions in the body. Enzyme concentration affects the reaction rate, with low concentrations leading to slow reactions and high concentrations leading to a maximum rate. Enzymes are specific to certain reactions and bind to substrates. The most efficient reaction occurs when all enzyme sites are occupied. Reaction […]

What’s an enzyme test?

Enzyme tests measure proteins in the body to diagnose diseases in organs such as the pancreas, heart, pituitary, thyroid gland, and digestive tract. Tests include creatine phosphokinase (CPK) and troponin for heart attacks, amylase for pancreatic disease, and protease for immune system disorders. Peroxidase regulates blood pressure and body metabolism. An enzyme test measures certain […]

What’s Enzyme Induction?

Enzyme induction is the process of increasing enzyme production in response to changes in the cell’s environment. Inducing molecules can include drugs, toxins, and hormones. Understanding this process is important for pharmaceutical research and toxicology. Hormone-related medical conditions can also lead to induction. Enzyme inhibition is the opposite process and is used in medical treatment. […]

What’s a Digestive Enzyme?

Digestive enzymes break down food for absorption in the body. They are found in various locations throughout the digestive tract and are responsible for breaking down different types of molecules. Without proper enzyme release, the body cannot absorb nutrients, leading to illness. Symptoms of enzyme problems include digestive upset, weight loss, and fatigue. A digestive […]

Enzyme deficiency: what is it?

Enzyme deficiencies are genetic conditions that result in the body’s inability to produce or underproduce enzymes, causing health problems related to metabolism. Inborn errors of metabolism, such as phenylketonuria, acute intermittent porphyria, alkaptonuria, and Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, are examples of these conditions. Treatment includes enzyme supplementation and dietary changes, and symptoms can range from mild discomfort […]

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