What’s the equal protection clause?

The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution prohibits states from passing discriminatory laws that deny equal rights to people in similar circumstances. It was passed in response to “black laws” in southern states after the Civil War. Laws that discriminate on a rational basis are allowed, but those without a […]

Any US states with equal gender representation in laws?

Nevada’s legislature is the first to accurately reflect the gender demographics of the state, with a female majority in both upper and lower houses. However, women still only make up 28% of state legislators overall, with some states having as little as 15% female representation. Only nine states have female governors, and the first women […]

Any US states with equal gender representation in laws?

Nevada’s bicameral legislature has more women than men, but only 28% of state legislators in the US are women. Colorado’s lower house also has a female majority. Only nine states have female governors. The first women were elected to a state legislature in Colorado in 1894. Nellie Tayloe Ross was the first woman to serve […]

Fahrenheit and Celsius: always equal?

-40°F and -40°C are the same temperature. To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, subtract 32, divide by 9, and multiply by 5. Fahrenheit was suggested by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1724, while Celsius was invented by Anders Celsius in 1742. The Fahrenheit scale is only used in the US and some English-speaking countries. Fahrenheit and Celsius […]

What’s an equal opps policy?

Equal opportunities policies are regulations that prevent discrimination in the workplace based on factors like race, gender, and religion. They provide a means of dealing with problems more cost-effectively and show a commitment to fairness. Violations have consequences outlined, including possible criminal penalties. An equal opportunities policy is a set of regulations that offer everyone […]

What’s Equal Distribution?

Equal distribution in divorce refers to the fair division of property and money between two parties, which may not be a direct 50/50 split. External factors such as mistakes leading to divorce, child custody, inheritances, and future earning potential can influence the allocation of assets. Equitable distribution under state or federal law aims to give […]

What’s equal protection under the law?

The Equal Protection Clause in the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution ensures that all individuals have equal access to lawyers and the courts, and are treated equally by the law and justice system. It prohibits states from denying anyone the same protection of the laws, regardless of race, gender, or other differences. This concept […]

“Meaning of ‘separate but equal’?” (34 characters)

The legal doctrine of “separate but equal” allowed racial segregation in the US from 1877 to 1954, when the Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Board of Education that separate educational facilities were inherently unequal. The 14th Amendment prohibits denying equal protection of the laws, but the federal government left segregation to individual states. The […]

What’s the Equal Credit Opportunity Act?

The Equal Credit Opportunity Act prohibits lenders from discriminating based on race, religion, national origin, gender, marital status, age, or source of income. It applies to most lenders and covers all aspects of the lending process. Enforcement is carried out by federal agencies and individuals can also file lawsuits for discrimination. Personal information can still […]

What’s equal pay?

Pay equity is compensation based on merit and job classification, regardless of gender. It gained importance during the 20th century, but discussions continue as women still receive less pay than men in some industries. Employers create objective qualifications for job positions and base salary and promotions on merit, not gender. National labor laws and regulations […]

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