What’s social equality?

Social equality is the concept of equal treatment, opportunities, and access to resources for all members of society. It is different from socialism, as it does not mean everyone has the same amount of resources. Social inequality can be caused by factors such as income, gender, race, religion, or ethnicity. Some governments promote social equality […]

Democracy: freedom vs. equality?

Freedom-focused democracies prioritize individual rights, while equality-focused democracies prioritize similar standing among people. Many democracies have elements of both, but the US prioritizes freedom and France prioritizes equality. Differences show up in taxation and social welfare policies. Balancing freedom and equality is a challenge for democratic governments. The difference between a freedom-focused democracy and an […]

What’s an equality law?

Equality laws aim to provide equal legal treatment and protection for specific groups. They have a complex history and are created to protect groups that have experienced unequal treatment. Declarations of equality principles do not always translate into comprehensive equality law. Equality laws can codify equal treatment in various areas, such as labor, housing, marriage, […]

What’s an equality impact assessment?

The Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) is a tool used in the UK to prevent discriminatory policies and practices. It considers the effects of a project on society, environment, and health. The Equality Act 2006 and 2010 protect the rights of UK citizens, and the EqIA is a structured assessment tool to ensure individuals and companies […]

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