Store equine medicine properly?

A well-stocked horse medicine cabinet is essential for any stable. It should include a variety of dressings, antiseptic solutions, emollient creams, ointments, poultices, and medicines. Keep it clean, tidy, and well stocked at all times, and mark all items as “medicinal”. A well-stocked horse medicine cabinet is essential for any stable. A cool, protected area […]

What’s equine PPID?

Equine pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID) is a malfunction of the pituitary gland causing reduced dopamine production and uncontrolled hormone secretion, resulting in symptoms such as abnormal hair, sweating, and susceptibility to infections. Pergolide is the most significant treatment, while natural options include magnesium supplementation and herbal medicines. Management measures include a low carbohydrate/high fat […]

What’s equine herpes virus (EHV)?

Equine herpes virus (EHV) is a highly infectious strain of the herpes virus that can cause respiratory distress, neurological symptoms, and abortions in mares. EHV-1 and EHV-4 are the most concerning strains. Outbreaks can occur when a carrier horse sheds the virus, and vaccination does not completely protect against infection. Quarantine, disinfection, and isolation are […]

What are equine worms?

Horse dewormers eliminate internal parasites and are available in paste, pellet, or liquid form. Experts recommend quarterly or biennial deworming to prevent resistance. Ivermectin is the most important dewormer and can be used for all parasites except tapeworms. Natural dewormers like diatomaceous earth can cause internal bleeding and upset the pH balance. Daily dewormers are […]

Equine Chiropractor: What’s Their Job?

Equine chiropractors use chiropractic techniques on horses to cure muscle ailments without drugs or chemicals. Little formal training is required, and chiropractic treatments should be performed with regular veterinary examinations. The practice involves spinal realignments and adjustments with a technique known as “high-velocity thrust.” Chiropractic is considered an alternative therapy, and there are no formal […]

How to be an equine vet?

Equine veterinarians specialize in the medical care of horses, and must complete a DVM program, including clinical rotations, and pass national and state exams. Board certification is available through an additional three-year residency program and exam. An equine veterinarian is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) specializing in the medical care of horses. Equine mainly […]

What’s Eastern equine encephalitis?

Eastern equine encephalitis is a rare viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes, with severe cases leading to encephalitis and a high mortality rate. It is most commonly found in states east of the Mississippi River and can cause permanent disability in survivors. Prevention measures include wearing protective clothing and using insect repellent. Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) […]

How to be an Equine Vet Tech?

Becoming an equine veterinary technician requires specialized training in equine studies and passing a certification exam. Duties include assisting veterinarians with exams, administering medication, and communicating with horse owners. Strong research skills and a love for horses are important. Job opportunities include veterinarian offices, horse farms, and sporting facilities. If you love horses and have […]

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