Equip. Decontamination: What is it?

Equipment decontamination is a process used to clean equipment after exposure to chemical, biological, or radiological contaminants. Some equipment is designed for easy decontamination, while others may require special protocols. Decontamination procedures usually involve isolating contaminated equipment, cleaning it with appropriate methods, and testing for contamination. Emergency services have implemented large-scale responses to contamination incidents. […]

Equip Decon: What is it?

Equipment decontamination is a process used to clean equipment after exposure to contaminants or to maintain a clean environment. Some equipment is designed for easy decontamination, while others may require special protocols. Decontamination methods include ultraviolet radiation, irradiation, soap and water, and heat. Contaminated equipment is isolated, cleaned, and tested for remaining contamination. Emergency services […]

What’s Equip. Maintenance?

Equipment maintenance is essential to ensure compliance with safety regulations and productivity. The process varies depending on the equipment, with some requiring periodic checks and others daily inspections. Plant equipment maintenance involves government compliance and additional checks to prevent damage or failure. Trained professionals correct potential problems, and external support may be engaged for complex […]

What’s Equip Maint Software?

Equipment maintenance software can prevent equipment repairs and reduce costs for manufacturing companies. Advances in technology have made it accessible to businesses of all sizes, and it can perform the same functions as expensive solutions of the past. The software allows users to monitor, execute, and track maintenance tasks and can also remind users when […]

Equip Planner’s Job?

An equipment planner orders, manages and inventories equipment for businesses. They must have industry knowledge, manage budgets, research purchase options, maintain relationships with vendors, and coordinate equipment location and movement. An equipment planner is an employee who orders, inventories and manages all types of equipment used in a business. The equipment planner may have a […]

What’s Equip. Recovery?

Equipment repossession occurs when equipment purchased through a loan or used as collateral is taken by a lender due to defaulted payments. Recovery can involve a wide variety of items and machinery, and may require special skills and equipment. Foreclosure of equipment can devastate a business, but salvaged equipment can be purchased at prices below […]

Equip. supervisor’s role?

Riggers use equipment to move heavy objects and are led by a rigging supervisor who ensures employee safety, handles business tasks, and coordinates efforts. They work in various industries and the supervisor oversees personnel management, training, and project management. Riggers use ropes, cables, and other equipment to move large or heavy objects. These workers are […]

Equip. depreciation: what is it?

Equipment depreciation is the loss of value of equipment used for business purposes each year, which can be written off for tax purposes. The amount of depreciation depends on the equipment’s useful life and depreciation method, such as straight-line or declining balance. Equipment depreciation refers to the process by which equipment used for business purposes […]

Equip. effectiveness overall?

Overall equipment efficiency (OEE) is a method developed by JIPM that identifies manufacturing production losses in availability, yield rates, and quality rates. It provides loss data and improvement opportunities to reduce losses, optimize performance measures, and produce quality products. OEE measures common machinery and processes to indicate maximum utilization of current equipment and reduce bottlenecks. […]

Equip. rental ins. – what is it?

Rental equipment insurance covers loss, theft, or damage to rental equipment. It can be obtained through rental companies or insurance providers, but may not cover negligence or recklessness. It is important to review policies and compare prices to avoid excess insurance. Declining insurance may require signing a document accepting responsibility for loss, theft, and damage. […]

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