Nov 9th event?

Berlin Wall falls (1989), Kristallnacht attacks occur (1938), US President Roosevelt visits Panama Canal (1906), Northeast Blackout of 1965 occurs, US Supreme Court declines to hear case questioning legality of Vietnam War (1970), brokerage firms ordered to pay $1.03 billion to defrauded investors (1998), Treaty of Seville signed ending Anglo-Spanish War (1729), The Atlantic Monthly […]

Jan 4th event?

Nixon refused to hand over tapes in Watergate scandal (1974); Edison electrocuted an elephant to prove AC was dangerous (1903); North Korean and Chinese forces captured Seoul (1951); first successful appendectomy performed in US (1885); Samuel Colt sold first handgun to US government (1847); LBJ outlined plans for “Great Society” (1965); Columbus left new world […]

Mar 6 event?

The Dred Scott decision was made, Bayer patented aspirin, the Rosenberg trial began, the Zapruder film was shown on TV, the periodic table was presented, the first dental institute opened, Walter Cronkite signed off for the last time, Marines were sent to Vietnam, and Michelangelo was born. The Dred Scott sentence has been handed down. […]

Jan 24th event?

Gold discovered in California (1848); Russia adopts Gregorian calendar (1918); Winston Churchill dies (1965); last Japanese soldier of WWII surrenders (1972); Disney buys Pixar (2006); US Department of Homeland Security begins operations (2003); Calcutta University inaugurated (1857); US announces sale of military equipment to China (1980); Roman emperor Caligula assassinated (41); Boy Scout movement founded […]

June 11th event?

ET movie released (1982), Committee of Five drafts Declaration of Independence (1776), Timothy McVeigh executed for Oklahoma City bombing (2001), US Congress recognizes Antonio Meucci as inventor of telephone (2002), US Supreme Court rules flag-burning is constitutional (1990), Alcatraz escape successful (1962), Supreme Court rules abortion is constitutional right (1986), Jeanette Rankin born, first female […]

May 25th event?

The Constitutional Convention created the American Constitution in 1787. Shakespeare became legal in China in 1977, and Star Wars opened the same year. President Kennedy announced plans to put a man on the moon in 1961. Other events include the Gateway Arch inauguration, Babe Ruth’s last home run, and Ralph Waldo Emerson’s birth. The Constitutional […]

What’s an event trainee’s role?

An event management trainee assists an event manager in coordinating all aspects of an event, including theme, budget, vendors, and logistics. The trainee also conducts research, negotiates with vendors, and coordinates behind-the-scenes activities on the day of the event. After the event, the trainee helps to ensure that the venue is left in pristine condition […]

May 21st event?

The American Red Cross was founded in 1881 by Clara Barton and Adolphus Solomons. Other events include Lindbergh and Earhart’s transatlantic flights, the founding of FIFA, and Susan Lucci’s Daytime Emmy win. The American Red Cross was born. (1881) Clara Barton, a nurse known as “the angel of the battlefield”, and Adolphus Solomons founded the […]

May 2nd event?

The Loch Ness Monster was sighted in 1933, starting the search craze. J. Edgar Hoover died in 1972, creating congressional reforms in the FBI. Confederate General Stonewall Jackson was wounded by friendly fire in 1863. Spanish citizens rebelled against French occupiers in 1808. The first airliner flew in 1952. Tennessee Williams won the Pulitzer Prize […]

May 29th event?

Hillary and Norgay reached the summit of Everest (1953), the first Coca-Cola ad was released (1886), Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring premiered (1913), White Christmas was recorded (1942), the first Bilderberg conference was held (1954), Bonus Marchers reached Washington DC (1932), the Empress of Ireland sank (1914), Bob Hope turned 100 (2003), Rhode Island ratified […]

Apr 5th event?

Anti-war protests in the US (1969), Darwin sends Origin of Species to publisher (1859), gold hoarding made illegal (1933), Battle of the Ice (1242), Helen Keller breakthrough (1887), Washington’s first veto (1792), Easter Island discovered (1722), Pocahontas marries John Rolfe (1614), Churchill resigns (1955), April 1976 Movement leads to violence in Tiananmen Square (1976). Massive […]

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