What was the Asian Exclusion Act? (38 characters)

The Asian Exclusion Act, part of the Immigration Act of 1924, restricted Asian immigration and naturalization, and was repealed in 1943 with the Magnuson Act. The roots of the act lie in the China Exclusion Act of 1882, and discrimination against Asians continued despite legal restrictions. The act has been criticized and condemned, but is […]

Exclusion rule: what is it?

The exclusionary rule protects defendants and civil liberties by excluding illegally obtained evidence. It is based on the Fourth Amendment and can be challenged through a motion. It can be controversial but also prevents law officials from violating citizens’ rights. There are exceptions to the rule, such as when evidence is in plain sight or […]

Pauli exclusion principle: what is it?

The Pauli exclusion principle states that every electron in an atom must have unique quantum numbers. Quantum numbers indicate the subshell, size, placement, energy level, and spin of each electron. This principle is important in explaining the bonding of atoms and has applications in chemistry and quantum mechanics. With applications in chemistry and quantum mechanics, […]

What’s an annual exclusion?

Annual exclusion allows individuals to gift assets up to $10,000 without paying federal gift tax, but there are regulations to follow. Recipients can’t receive more than $10,000, and gifts must be given freely with no conditions attached. The giver must confirm the gift was given freely, and the exclusion must be claimed in the tax […]

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