What’s an express cruise?

Express cruisers are elegant pleasure boats with powerful engines, flush decks, and deluxe amenities. They range from 25 to 45 feet and can be expensive to purchase and maintain. Collective ownership is an option. Boating publications offer reviews to help buyers research options. A fast cruiser is a pleasure boat designed to provide people with […]

Pony Express: ponies or horses?

The Pony Express was a short-lived North American postal service that used horses to deliver mail quickly between the west and east coasts. The animals used were sturdy and fast, including breeds like Mustangs and Morgans, but were not actually ponies. The service significantly reduced mail transit times, but was quickly replaced by the telegraph. […]

What’s an Express Trust?

An express trust is a legal trust created intentionally by the owner of property to provide specific instructions for its use. It can be in the form of a written will, oral statement, or legal document. Examples include spendthrift, discretionary, charitable, and naked trusts. It is important to register an express trust as laws regarding […]

What’s an express term?

An express term is an agreed upon item in a contract, which can be oral or written. Contracts must contain terms that define obligations, and if mutually agreed upon, they are express terms. Disagreements can arise over the meaning or existence of express terms, and unreasonable promises are unenforceable. Representations are different from express terms […]

What’s express authority?

Express authority is when an individual or entity gives clear and binding permission for another party to act on their behalf within a defined scope. It is different from implied authority, which is based on past relationships. Express authority can be useful in situations such as temporary absence or illness, and lawyers can assist in […]

What was the Pony Express?

The Pony Express was a fast mail delivery system that operated for 18 months from April 1860 to October 1861, covering over 600,000 miles. It aimed to create a central mail transportation route between St. Joseph, Missouri, and Sacramento, California, but failed to secure the government’s million-dollar contract due to the onset of the American […]

What’s an Express Notice?

An explicit warning is a direct notification that provides clear and concise information about what a document contains and what actions should follow. It is commonly used in customer orders and business organizations to avoid misunderstandings and create a document trail. Also known as an effective warning, an explicit warning is a type of notification […]

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