What’s a diagonal extension?

A diagonal spread is a stock option strategy involving buying and selling two different option holdings within the same share class at different strike prices and expiration dates to offset risk. It involves buying and selling calls and puts simultaneously and can result in gains or losses. A diagonal spread is a stock option strategy […]

What’s a lease extension?

A lease extension is an agreement between a landlord and tenant to extend a rental agreement beyond its original expiration date, which can be established for both operating and capital leases. Negotiations for extension terms are subject to both parties’ agreement. A lease extension is a contractual agreement between a tenant and a landlord that […]

What’s a Storage Extension?

An IRS filing extension allows taxpayers to file their federal tax returns up to six months after the due date of April 15. To request an extension, complete Form 4868 and estimate any taxes owed. Failure to estimate correctly can result in tax penalties. State tax extensions and procedures for those living outside the country […]

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