Why Chinese Women Bind Feet?

Chinese foot binding was a painful practice that began in the 7th century AD and was only banned in the early 20th century. The purpose was primarily cosmetic, with small feet considered erotic and a symbol of aristocracy. The process involved breaking and binding the feet, leading to permanent disability and infections. Women with bound […]

Causes of peeling feet?

Peeling feet can be caused by environmental stressors or skin infections, and may be a sign of a more serious problem for diabetics. Regular exfoliation and moisturizing can help, but persistent dry patches should be examined by a doctor. Athlete’s foot is a common fungal infection that can be treated with over-the-counter creams, but severe […]

Causes of Numb Hands and Feet?

Numbness in hands and feet can be caused by poor circulation, hyperventilation syndrome, pinched nerves, carpal tunnel syndrome, and multiple sclerosis. It’s important to see a doctor if experiencing chronic numbness. There are many ailments and conditions that can cause numbness in the hands and feet. Problems such as poor circulation, ailments such as hyperventilation […]

Top tips for healthy feet?

Wearing well-fitting shoes, exercising, and hydrating feet can prevent foot pain and problems. Inserts, low heels, and supportive sandals can minimize discomfort from heels and flip-flops. Moisturizing, using a pumice stone, and avoiding bare feet in public places can keep feet healthy. Taking good care of your feet is important to avoid foot pain and […]

Itchy rash on hands and feet: causes?

An itchy rash on the hands and feet can have various causes, including contact dermatitis, allergic dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema, and psoriasis. Treatment options vary and require consultation with a healthcare professional. Avoiding triggers is key to preventing symptoms. Developing an itchy rash on the hands and feet can have a variety of causes and usually […]

Best tips for running with flat feet?

Flat-footed running can be painful and affect performance. Proper shoes or insoles, correct running technique, and stretching after workouts can help. Seek guidance from a physical therapist or doctor for optimal results. Arch support shoes and insoles can be found at specialty stores. Stretching the arches of the feet is important. Running flat-footed can be […]

Fear of feet: how to overcome?

Podiaphobia is the fear of feet, which can cause severe anxiety and irrational behavior. Cognitive behavioral therapy, such as systematic desensitization, can help people overcome this fear by gradually exposing them to feet in a safe environment. Symptoms of podiaphobia include shortness of breath, trembling, and sweating. Learning about phobias can also help individuals overcome […]

Causes of burning feet and hands?

Burning feet and hands can be caused by various medical conditions, including nerve damage, vitamin deficiencies, menopause, alcohol abuse, hypothyroidism, and strenuous activity. Treatment options depend on the underlying cause and may include medication, lifestyle changes, or assistive devices. Burning feet and hands can be a worrying condition that can have a variety of causes. […]

Causes of Smelly Feet?

Sweat and bacteria cause smelly feet, which can be treated with antibacterial soap, medicated foot powder, and natural materials for socks and shoes. Excessive sweating can be caused by hormonal changes, stress, and diet. Treatment options include antiperspirants, botulinum toxin injections, and nerve cutting in severe cases. The combination of sweat and bacteria causes some […]

Tingling Feet: What’s the Cause?

Tingling in the feet can be caused by various factors including pinched nerves, lack of blood supply, medical conditions, repeated trauma, vitamin deficiency, and certain medications or toxins. Poor circulation and pressure on nerves are common causes, while diabetes, kidney disease, and autoimmune disease can affect nerves in the feet. Tingling in the feet can […]

Causes of itchy feet?

Itchy feet can be caused by infections, skin irritations, and blood vessel disorders. Diagnosis is aided by accompanying symptoms. Treatments vary depending on the underlying cause, and may include topical creams, foot slapping, and medication. Itchy feet can be associated with infections, skin irritations, and skin and blood vessel disorders. As a diagnostic clue by […]

Causes of dry feet?

Dry feet can be caused by various factors, including skin conditions, diseases, overexposure to water, harsh soaps, and not wearing proper footwear. Pressure on the feet, lack of natural oils, and indoor heating can also contribute. Regularly using a pumice stone and moisturizing can help prevent and relieve dryness. The causes of dry feet can […]

Causes of Numb Feet?

Numb feet can be caused by various conditions, some harmless and others serious. Poor circulation, hyperventilation, chronic poor circulation, nerve damage, and spinal injury are common causes. Seek medical attention if there is no obvious cause. There are a wide variety of conditions that can cause numb feet. Some are temporary and harmless, while others […]

Burning Feet Syndrome: What is it?

Burning feet syndrome causes burning sensations, pain, sensitivity to touch, and excessive sweating in the feet. It can also affect vision. It is linked to several diseases, and diagnosis is best done by a health professional. Treatment varies depending on the cause, and prevention includes wearing natural leather shoes and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Also […]

Shoes for flat feet: what to look for?

When buying shoes for flat feet, look for extra arch support and comfort, and get them professionally fitted. Choose shoes designed for the intended purpose, and consider custom-made insoles or orthotics for more support. When shopping for shoes for flat feet, you should look for additional arch support and a model that is comfortable to […]

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