What’s the Asian fin. crisis?

The Asian Financial Crisis in the mid-1990s caused financial turmoil in many Asian countries, leading to global concern and intervention by the IMF. Lessons were learned about the dangers of speculation, especially in real estate, and the global nature of the economy. The Asian Financial Crisis was a period of financial turmoil that occurred in […]

What’s fin macro?

Financial macroeconomics analyzes financial indicators and economic systems to identify patterns of behavior in spending and consumption. It considers all factors that can cause the economy to grow or contract, including short-term changes due to political or policy changes. It differs from microeconomics, which focuses on individual economic decisions. Understanding microeconomics can help to better […]

What’s an MBA in Fin. Mgmt.?

An MBA in financial management prepares individuals for careers in accounting, finance management, or financial services. The degree program includes core courses in general management, accounting, and ethics, while concentration courses focus on financial management topics. The program may vary depending on the educational institution, and may include case studies and projects to develop financial […]

Asst. Fin. Mgr: Roles?

An assistant financial manager analyzes a company’s financial situation and works on strategies for improvement. They review financial reports, work with auditors, assist with price changes, and develop money-saving plans. A bachelor’s degree in finance or a related field is usually required. An assistant financial manager plays an important role in maintaining a company’s financial […]

What’s a Fin. Reporting Manager?

Financial reporting managers oversee the preparation of SEC filings, proxy statements, and other financial reports. They require knowledge of GAAP, SEC rules, and tax strategy. They typically have four or more years of experience and may hold an accounting degree, CPA, and MBA. The job involves many tasks and requires staying up-to-date with accounting laws […]

What’s a Fin Examiner?

Financial examiners examine financial records to ensure compliance with the law and accuracy. They require training in accounting and law, high personal integrity, attention to detail, and knowledge of up-to-date standards and laws. In the US, they specifically inspect tax records, while in other regions, they examine financial records more generally. People use the term […]

Bus. Fin. Advisor: What’s Their Role?

A commercial financial advisor helps companies manage their money and assets, setting financial goals and evaluating funding and profit projections. They may work in-house or independently and must have expertise in mathematics, economics, accounting, and investing. A commercial financial advisor provides guidance and advice to a corporate entity or organization. Similar to a personal financial […]

What’s a Fin. Mgmt. Associate?

Financial management associates work under senior financial managers and have varying duties depending on the organization and position. They can work in different settings and positions, such as controller, treasurer, credit manager, and risk manager. They must stay updated on new technologies and developments and have a bachelor’s degree in finance, accounting, or business, with […]

Cert. Fin. Accountant: What’s the Job?

A certified financial accountant manages financial needs, maintains records, complies with tax filings, and advises on investments. They also plan budgets, allocate expenses, and serve as a financial advisor. A certified financial accountant is responsible for the overall supervision of a client’s or company’s financial needs. He is responsible for maintaining proper records and accounting, […]

Fin. dev. & econ. growth: what’s the link?

Financial development and economic growth are linked through the collection of savings by financial institutions, which can then be redistributed through credit or loans to facilitate the procurement of goods and services. Financial institutions can also regulate the economy and channel financial resources to areas of greatest need. The study of the link between financial […]

What’s a Fin Advisor?

Financial advisors offer money management advice to individuals and businesses, focusing on retirement, investment, and debt management. They may work on a fee-based, fee-only, or commission-based payment model. Certification is not mandatory, but most advisors must be certified to sell financial products. A financial advisor offers money management advice to individuals and businesses. Most people […]

Corp fin law: what is it?

Corporate finance law covers a wide range of financial legal matters, including investing, accounting, mergers and acquisitions, and lawsuits. It is important for companies to have attorneys with experience in the specific areas that relate to their needs to avoid costly mistakes and legal hassles. Corporate finance law can also help businesses in day-to-day situations […]

Fin Fraud Litigation: What is it?

Securities fraud litigation is legal action against parties accused of deceptive conduct in the sale of investment vehicles. Misrepresentation, churning, and other fraudulent practices can lead to litigation and severe penalties. The SEC regulates securities and can prosecute fraud cases, while investors can seek compensation through the Securities Exchange Act. International companies can also face […]

Fin Plan Assistant: What’s the Job?

Financial planning assistants support experienced financial planners with research, writing, and routine tasks. They are entry-level consultants who learn investment strategy and manage clients. Assistants need a degree in finance or accounting and work in teams or directly for planners. They observe and learn from senior planners, participate in meetings, and need specialized education to […]

What’s a fin asset?

Financial assets, such as certificates, bonds, stocks, and bank deposits, represent the monetary value of a physical item through a contractual agreement. They have no fundamental value until converted into cash and can be used to determine personal wealth. Valuation can change depending on the asset and when it is valued. A financial asset is […]

What’s comp. fin. analysis?

Comparative financial analysis compares financial data from different reports to provide context and meaning. It can be used to spot trends, evaluate a company’s progress, and compare companies within an industry. Financial ratios and industry benchmarks are often used in this analysis. Comparative financial analysis is the process of analyzing the data found in one […]

What’s a fin buyer?

Financial buyers invest in businesses or securities to earn a return. They may manage the asset themselves or rely on professionals. They consider assets, liabilities, cash flow, contracts, and product lines to determine profitability. They may merge underperforming companies to create a prosperous entity. Financial buyers are people who are interested in securing an investment […]

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