What’s binary fission?

Binary fission is a form of asexual reproduction used by prokaryotic and some eukaryotic organisms. It involves duplicating DNA, growing to a larger size, and splitting into two identical daughter cells. Prokaryotes can also reproduce sexually for genetic diversity. The septal ring regulates binary fission to prevent errors. Eukaryotic organelles can also reproduce this way, […]

Nuclear Fission: What is it?

Nuclear fission splits an atom’s nucleus, creating two smaller products and releasing energy. Uranium, particularly U-235, is commonly used for energy generation. Enriched uranium is needed for nuclear energy production, while weapons require a higher percentage of U-235. Radioactive particles are a concern, and nuclear fission is different from nuclear fusion. Nuclear fission is the […]

Fission vs. Fusion: What’s the difference?

Nuclear reactions release energy from atomic nucleus bonds. Fusion combines atomic nuclei for lighter elements, while fission splits heavier ones. Nuclear energy is difficult to harness due to purification and temperature requirements. Fusion requires high energy and containment. Fission has radioactive byproducts and safety concerns, but advances have made reactors safer. The US government is […]

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