Most common flax side effects?

Flax can cause flatulence and upset stomach, and large amounts can be toxic due to cynogenic glycosides. Regular consumption can cause diarrhea, but it has many nutritional benefits. Pregnant women should consume it with caution. If unusual side effects occur, stop taking it and see a doctor. The basic side effects of flax include flatulence […]

Best flax supplement: how to choose?

Choosing the best flax supplement is a matter of personal preference. Forms include oil, powder, and capsules, with cold-pressed being the preferred method. Combination supplements may be redundant, and flaxseed can be used in meals or snacks. Choosing the best flax supplement depends more on your personal preference than anything else. While there is some […]

What are flax muffins?

Flaxseed muffins can help the body resist cancer, stroke, heart disease, inflammation, Parkinson’s, and raise blood sugar for diabetics. They are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and lignans. Flaxseeds should be processed into a meal before being used in recipes. Flaxseed has been grown and consumed for at least 50 centuries for its healthful […]

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