What’s Flood Irrigation?

Flood irrigation is an old technique where water is flooded onto fields to irrigate crops. It can be wasteful and inefficient, but has different styles like basin, furrow, and pulse irrigation. It can also attract pests and mosquitoes. It is used in residential landscaping in areas with abundant water resources. Flood irrigation is an irrigation […]

Does 1936 Johnstown Flood Affect PA Today?

In 1936, a flood in Johnstown, Pennsylvania led to a temporary 10% tax on wine and liquor sales to fund recovery efforts. The tax remains today at 18%, generating $300 million annually for the state. Despite attempts to repeal or reduce it, none have passed. The flood led to national flood control legislation and Johnstown […]

What’s the CO2 flood?

Carbon dioxide flooding is used in mining to increase pressure in oil reservoirs by injecting CO2. The process involves identifying strategic points, pumping CO2, and monitoring pressure levels. There are risks associated with the process, including unstable conditions and potential injury to workers. Carbon dioxide flooding is a strategy often used in mining operations, especially […]

Flood path?

Flood pathing models flood waves to predict their impact on waterways and land. Engineers use this information for reservoir management and emergency flood forecasting. Hydrologists use it for environmental and safety purposes. It is also useful for government agencies, private industry, and insurance agencies. Flood pathing is the process of modeling a flood wave to […]

What’s a flood dam?

Flood control dams protect communities from uncontrolled flood waters and can be installed by government agencies and communities. They control the flow of water across a watershed and can be designed with outlets and emergency spillways. Funding for flood control programs typically comes from government agencies. A dam operates as part of a flood control […]

What’s a flood?

Flash floods occur when low-lying areas are submerged due to heavy rain, hurricanes, or dam collapses. There is little warning, and structures can be completely destroyed. Early warning systems and escape routes are implemented to minimize loss of life. Flash floods are episodes of flash flooding in which low-lying areas are completely submerged. In many […]

Flood insurance mandate?

Flood insurance is required for properties in special flood risk areas in the US, especially if improvements are financed by a federally regulated lender. The requirement protects the lender and federal government. The Flood-Disaster Protection Act of 1973 and National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994 established these requirements. A property in a special flood […]

Best home flood insurance: how to choose?

Home flood insurance is separate from typical homeowner’s insurance and is provided by limited insurance companies. It’s important to understand policy terms and prices, and choose the right insurance company. Flood insurance is required for those living in designated flood zones, but optional for others. The cost depends on the amount of insurance purchased, and […]

What was the molasses flood?

The Great Molasses Flood occurred in Boston in 1919 when a molasses tank collapsed, killing 21 people and causing extensive damage. The event marked a shift in holding businesses accountable for public harm. The tank belonged to the United States Industrial Alcohol Company, which blamed anarchists for the collapse. However, it was due to structural […]

After a flood, what now?

After a flood, rest and relieve emotional stress before inspecting property. Notify insurance company and avoid throwing away damaged property. Stay away from remaining flood water and wait for it to recede before entering. Exercise caution when entering building and clean and disinfect wet property. Dry out home to reduce mold and mildew damage. Contact […]

What’s a flood insurance map?

Flood Insurance Rate Maps show flood risks in certain areas in the US and are used by individuals, insurance companies, local officials, and lending institutions to determine risks associated with developed properties. There are two types of maps, and they are continuously updated by FEMA. The maps are available for free on the FEMA website […]

Flood insurance & mortgage: what’s the link?

Flood insurance is often required by mortgage lenders to protect against damage to property. Buyers in high-risk areas must carry appropriate insurance, while some lenders may require it for homes in low-risk areas. Failure to purchase flood insurance could harm both the buyer and lender in the event of a flood. The correlation between flood […]

Best flood insurance for my home?

Home flood insurance is a separate coverage from homeowner’s insurance, available in designated flood zones or areas with a history of flooding. It can be purchased through government agencies or private insurance companies, with prices based on the amount of coverage and type of insurance. Excess insurance is also an option. Flood insurance is a […]

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