Swine flu vaccine necessary for pregnancy?

Pregnant women are at risk of contracting infectious diseases, including swine flu. Experts recommend getting the swine flu vaccination during pregnancy, as it can reduce the severity of the disease. The vaccine is safe, but women with chicken egg allergies should be cautious. Getting the flu shot during pregnancy can also provide extra protection for […]

Common H1N1 flu symptoms?

H1N1 flu symptoms include fever, fatigue, headache, sore throat, runny nose, chest pain, body aches, cough, vomiting, and diarrhea. Children may experience difficulty breathing, rash, irritability, and dehydration. Adults may experience shortness of breath, confusion, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, or abdominal pain. The virus is highly contagious and can be prevented through frequent hand […]

Swine flu risk in pregnancy?

Pregnant women are at higher risk of getting swine flu and experiencing complications such as pneumonia, miscarriage, or preterm birth. Vaccination is recommended, along with frequent hand washing and avoiding touching the face. Symptoms of swine flu are similar to regular flu, but can lead to serious complications for both mother and baby. Emergency treatment […]

Flu or sore throat? How to tell?

Strep throat is caused by bacteria, while the flu is caused by a virus. Symptoms of the flu include fever, chills, body aches, coughing, and extreme tiredness. A doctor’s exam can differentiate between the two, with strep throat often showing white patches in the back of the throat. Antibiotics can treat strep throat, while bed […]

Flu or pneumonia? How to differentiate?

It can be difficult to distinguish between flu and pneumonia as they have similar symptoms. Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs and can be caused by various infections, while the flu is a viral infection in the nose or throat. Persistent coughing and difficulty breathing are signs of pneumonia, while a mild cough and […]

What’s avian flu?

Bird flu, previously only a concern for poultry farmers, has mutated and can now infect humans. The virus spreads through direct contact with birds and can cause respiratory infections that resist treatment. While human-to-human transmission is not yet contagious, scientists warn of an impending pandemic. For more than a century, bird flu has been circulating […]

Flu masks?

Flu masks are a type of barrier worn over the mouth and nose to prevent the spread of the flu. They are important for infected people, healthcare workers, and those who work in the public sector. They can be purchased from medical supply outlets or obtained for free during a flu outbreak. They are similar […]

How to fight flu weakness?

The flu causes weakness due to increased immune system activity, dehydration, and lack of nutrition. Rest, fluids, and small meals can help combat weakness. Getting the annual flu shot can prevent future illness. Influenza, more commonly known as flu, is a viral disease that attacks the respiratory system, causing symptoms similar to those experienced during […]

Flu incubation period?

The flu incubation period is the time between exposure to the virus and the onset of symptoms, which can vary from one to four days. During this time, the virus can be transmitted to others. Prevention strategies such as getting a flu shot and covering coughs and sneezes are recommended. The term “flu incubation period” […]

Food poisoning or stomach flu? How to differentiate?

Food poisoning and the “stomach flu” have similar symptoms and treatments, but food poisoning is caused by contaminated food while the stomach flu is caused by a viral infection. If symptoms persist or become extreme, medical help should be sought. Hydration and rest are important for both conditions. The distinction between food poisoning and the […]

What’s the Hong Kong flu?

The Hong Kong flu is caused by the H3N2 subtype of the flu virus, which can infect birds, mammals, and humans. It can be transmitted through direct contact, respiratory droplets, and even gastrointestinal, hematogenous, and sexual pathways. Symptoms include runny nose, cough, sore throat, fever, and fatigue. Bed rest and antiviral drugs can help treat […]

What affects flu spread?

Influenza spreads through aerosol droplets from infected individuals, and can survive on surfaces like railings and doorknobs. Hand washing, avoiding sick people, and vaccination can reduce its spread. Influenza strains constantly mutate, and pandemics occur when a virulent strain infects millions. Vaccination is recommended for the elderly. Factors influencing the spread of influenza center on […]

Allergic reaction to flu shot: signs?

Flu shots protect against the flu virus, but allergic reactions are rare and can be life-threatening. Symptoms include difficulty breathing, hives, and a rapid heartbeat. People allergic to eggs may be at higher risk. Seek medical attention immediately if experiencing symptoms. A flu shot is an immunization given to people during the winter that protects […]

Flu vaccine: pros and cons?

The flu shot reduces the chances of getting sick and the possibility of an epidemic. However, some people may experience side effects, and not everyone can receive the vaccine, particularly those with allergies or Guillain-Barre syndrome. The flu vaccination is a relatively new form of viral protection that still remains a mystery to many. Many […]

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